How should I go about a potential call to the priesthood

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So lately, after feeling that I wasn’t called to be a priest (at least at that time) the last few months I’ve had this feeling that maybe I am called. I feel as i’ve matured as a person (I’m 25 now) that I have a better understanding of what a priest does and what it would take. However what other steps should I take if I want to pursue this? I know the obvious one is to start praying more. My new years resolution is to pray the liturgy of the hours (which I used to love) and have a holy hour (its hard to do adoration since we only do first fridays at my parish.) I also want to talk with my spiritual director (though its hard since he’s a 100 miles away from me) What other steps should I take? Do I contact my vocations director or the seminary I’ll probably have to attend? Do I need to get a psych eval?
So lately, after feeling that I wasn’t called to be a priest (at least at that time) the last few months I’ve had this feeling that maybe I am called. I feel as i’ve matured as a person (I’m 25 now) that I have a better understanding of what a priest does and what it would take. However what other steps should I take if I want to pursue this? I know the obvious one is to start praying more. My new years resolution is to pray the liturgy of the hours (which I used to love) and have a holy hour (its hard to do adoration since we only do first fridays at my parish.) I also want to talk with my spiritual director (though its hard since he’s a 100 miles away from me) What other steps should I take? Do I contact my vocations director or the seminary I’ll probably have to attend? Do I need to get a psych eval?
In my diocese, the Vocations Director would be the one to contact first and foremost, it is important for them to get to know you, because they will take part in the discernment process too. They will sort of have an inkling as to whether you are really being called. From there, they take care of scheduling all the psych eval, getting you to fill out an application to the seminary (all of the men from my diocese attend the same seminary), and try to help you discern, at least the early stages of the process.

A few years ago, I thought I had a calling, but after a few meetings with the Vocations Director, and filling out the application, and praying, I began to have my doubts, but it’s all part of the discernment process. I will pray for you and your Vocation.

In my diocese, the Vocations Director would be the one to contact first and foremost, it is important for them to get to know you, because they will take part in the discernment process too. They will sort of have an inkling as to whether you are really being called. From there, they take care of scheduling all the psych eval, getting you to fill out an application to the seminary (all of the men from my diocese attend the same seminary), and try to help you discern, at least the early stages of the process.

A few years ago, I thought I had a calling, but after a few meetings with the Vocations Director, and filling out the application, and praying, I began to have my doubts, but it’s all part of the discernment process. I will pray for you and your Vocation

Thanks Stephen!

And just one more thing. This is kind of an odd situation but I’m currently between dioceses. I just moved to a different one, but I’m wondering if I should apply to my original diocese where I grew up and lived until about 6 months ago. Is there any sort of way to go about this?
Thanks Stephen!

And just one more thing. This is kind of an odd situation but I’m currently between dioceses. I just moved to a different one, but I’m wondering if I should apply to my original diocese where I grew up and lived until about 6 months ago. Is there any sort of way to go about this?
I don’t think I can help you very much with this question :confused: it’s something you will have to research/pray about.

What do you think you are called to do? Maybe you can contact both Diocese Vocation Directors to find out more information about the process or any potential cost financially to you. Or just things like, which one needs more priests? Find which one you think you would fit better in.

One more thing: read books. Some that I have read that were helpful were: ‘A Priest Forever: The Life of Eugene Hamilton’ and ‘With Life and Laughter: The Life of Father Miguel Agustin Pro’; They are two people who wanted to be priests more than anything in life, and Both of their journeys are amazing to read about.

I thought ‘The Collar: A Year Inside a Catholic Seminary’ was interesting, but it’s more practical than spiritual, what Seminary life is like.
Contact the Vocations Director of the diocese where you want to be a priest. You’ll apply to that diocese, and upon ordination be incardinated, which means you’ll be bound to that diocese.

Speak with the Vocations Director as soon as you feel comfortable. You can talk to him without applying right away, and he’s the one who can answer particular questions about the application process in that diocese.

Regular practice of the Liturgy of the Hours and a Holy Hour are very good routines in prayer. If I can offer some advice, it’s this: You don’t need to do a Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament (though this is ideal). Do you attend daily Mass? You could speak to your pastor, and ask if you can stay in the church after Mass for a Holy Hour, and just have them lock you in (normally you can still exit the building when the doors are locked).

Also: Feel out the idea of how frequent your Holy Hours should be. Doing it every day when you’re not ready can be spiritually exhausting.

Be assured of my prayers, and let me know if I can elaborate on anything.
Praying to the Holy Spirit to give you guidance, direction, strength, fortitude & wisdom in your discernment.
I don’t think I can help you very much with this question :confused: it’s something you will have to research/pray about.

What do you think you are called to do? Maybe you can contact both Diocese Vocation Directors to find out more information about the process or any potential cost financially to you. Or just things like, which one needs more priests? Find which one you think you would fit better in.

One more thing: read books. Some that I have read that were helpful were: ‘A Priest Forever: The Life of Eugene Hamilton’ and ‘With Life and Laughter: The Life of Father Miguel Agustin Pro’; They are two people who wanted to be priests more than anything in life, and Both of their journeys are amazing to read about.

I thought ‘The Collar: A Year Inside a Catholic Seminary’ was interesting, but it’s more practical than spiritual, what Seminary life is like.
Thanks. I actually just started reading ‘To Save a Thousand Souls’ by Father Brett Brannen which has been a good starting point though I will read more.

Also, someone mentioned daily mass. I don’t really go,but I want to. My issue is that I’m not sure that there is a daily mass offered when I could go and since i’m in a small town it would be hard to find time to go (since most of the time these masses are at 8 AM or so) but I’ll find a way.

I’m not 100% sure about this but I’ve thought about the priesthood off and on and I think I should at least try.

And in regards to the diocese thing, one definitely does need priests while the one I live in now needs a lot of priests since it is a more rural diocese that doesn’t have a lot of people to begin with. I feel more called to my home diocese but their seminary is always full. So prayer is needed. Thanks!
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