In another thread, a poster who is in RCIA said this:
How should we encourage candidates who are in RCIA programs that are clearly heterodox? What can be done to prevent candidates from failing to join the Catholic Church due to the RCIA? It seems that RCIA is driving this person away instead of drawing him closer to the Church.The problem is that the Church has a hard time telling the difference between Tradition and tradition. I listened to the local heretic in charge of religious instruction in this parish poisoning the flock by telling them that Paul “supposedly” met Jesus - clearly denying the inspiration of the Scripture - and the priest stating that Luke “places” Acts 2 at Pentecost, as if Luke were writing a novel. He also regards the Gospel writers as in conflict with one another. All reverence for Scripture is stripped away under the guise of tradition masquerading as Tradition. The Church cannot be trusted to feed its people. Therefore you must go elsewhere - to the Scriptures, and directly to the Spirit of God.
For me, the Catholic Church has successfully vindicated Presbyterian theology in this area by its performance.