How stay Holy on Sunday besides Mass?

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How do we as a family keep Sunday Holy other than going to Mass together, what else should we be doing? (besides praying).
We are called to be the person of Jesus in this world. As a family you could adopt an elderly resident at a convalescent home that has no family. A Sunday visit from you may be the only one they get.

You may be the only Gospel that someone ever reads…

God bless…
Deacon Tony
I find it important to share the faith with my children. We always discuss the readings and homily on the way home from Mass. Sunday really is our family day. We guard that time from non-family distractions. We try to get all of our chores done through the week or on Saturday. Sundays are for relaxing and family. I think that makes us a stronger family which is the vocation that God gave us. It doesn’t have to be all about praying. Didn’t St Francis say something about spreading the Gospel - sometimes use words?
I know we should keep Sunday above all days holy, but the call is to be holy all the time, we are called to a lay priesthood, so the work all week and the free time all week whatever we are doing should have God at the foremost and glorify God in all we do. To me Sunday is the day we really celebrate Christ and dedicate the whole day to this, pure praise and celebration of Him in the Eucharist. Personally, I do the same as you and make sure it is a totally free day, I might spend it with family or family and friends, but most often I manage to do a job for someone who needs some help. It is the magnifying of the soul in praise on this day that matters to me and there are endless ways to do that. God Bless you xxx
Of course we are called to holiness every day of our lives, but Sundays should be special, as we are celebrating the Lord’s Day. So my husband and I have tried over the last year to set Sundays apart from the rest of the week. We usually attend the Vigil Mass, so we celebrate the Sabbath from that point until Sunday night. We often will pick something up for dinner after Mass so that I don’t have to cook (a real treat for us, as this is the only time we “eat out”). My husband also makes us a special breakfast on Sunday mornings. We try to spend the day with family, at Adoration, talking with each other, praying, etc.

The Catechism has a description of how Sunday should be celebrated by the Catholic. It talks about service, rest, family time, etc.–you might look there for advice. God Bless!
Ah yes, I see what you mean. More than just being “holy” but how we keep the Sabboth the Lord’s Day -

I try not to do anything that I can do on another day, housework, laundry, but I might do a little gardening for pleasure.

Family breakfast after Mass cooked by your hubby or all going out to breakfast after Mass and then any other family oriented activities are certainly good, especially when both parents may work.

My son always has Sunday family dinner night and all the family living in the area and any visiting join for dinner. Next to going to the Tridentine Mass on Sundays, this is the highlight of my week.
Perform the Chief Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.

The Chief Spiritual Works of Mercy

Admonish the sinner.
Instruct the ignorant.
Counsel the doubtful.
Confort the sorrowful.
Bear wrongs patiently.
Forgive all injuries.
Pray for the living and the dead.

The Chief Corporal Works of Mercy

Feed the hungry.
Give drink to the thirsty.
Clothe the naked.
Shelter the homeless.
Visit the sick.
Visit the imprisoned.
Bury the dead.
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