I appreciated the article. I am concerned about one paragraph (italics mine):
“The best way to break out is to debate the moral issues that the left avoids. The moral law corresponds to human nature and provides for the best possibilities of happiness in this vale of tears. These issues touch on the most sensitive chords that move people to action. Indeed, whenever conservatives have presented moral issues energetically, they prove to be effective means to fight America’s Culture War and even win elections. When these issues are abandoned, it often leads to defeat. In addition, as guardian of the moral law, the Catholic Church has much to contribute to this conversation.”
Here’s what I’m concerned about–nowadays, when someone debates the moral issues that the left avoids, they get fired from their job and blacklisted from finding another job.
And that’s difficult for conservatives, because much of our premise is that the way people rise up out of their awful circumstances (racism, poverty, immigrant, despised class, sexism, etc.) is to finish high school, get more education and/or training, and get a good job that has prospects for raises and promotions over the decades–and of course, hang onto that job and don’t quit unless a better opportunity comes along.
That’s a conservative mantra, philosophy, prayer, daily life practice, etc. --getting and holding onto a job that earns a decent living wage.
To lose that job for the sake of defending conservative ideas and more importantly, to not be able to get a new job of equal earning power–that’s unthinkable for many of us! I know that some conservatives possess writing or speaking talents, and manage to find work within conservative organizations, or to get a book contract and make money from the royalties and speaking enegagements.
But that’s pretty rare–many many of us, when we lose our jobs and can’t get another one, end up on unemployment, which is somewhat contrary to the small-government no hand-out stance that most of us conservatives hold! Of course, I will take whatever I have paid taxes to support (e.g., medicare when the time comes!). But unemployment…sad.
And I don’t think I’m exaggerating. Our hospital has very definite statements forbidding any type of “inflammatory discussions and apparel”–in other words, I could never wear a MAGA hat! Thankfully our department is so short-staffed that we all joke that we could work naked and management would look away and ignore it because if they fire us, they cannot replace us!
But I think that"the left" has done a pretty good job of controlling who gets to keep their job, especially in the education fields and in the arts, and that’s why I am wary of the paragraph urging a debate about various issues. It seems to me a better strategy is to make friends, earn their respect and love, and then attempt, with great gentleness, to “influence” them.