Since the media has a propensity for reporting their version of the Popes statements where is one to turn for the truth? Or at least a more accurate interpretation of what the Holy Father is saying.
It seems the journalists are more often using the words of Pope Francis to fill an agenda rather than present the facts.
The Vatican website typically posts his statements a day or two after they are made. That’s usually where I go and the link is Sometimes, if I can’t find a full statement on the Vatican website, I’ll copy a sentence or two from whatever it is that the pope is quoted as saying, and I’ll google that. I usually find some articles that link to the full text of what was said in an interview or on a plane flight. Then, I read him in context.
Pope Francis recently said: "The media [often] quote [people]. However, until I can ask the people involved ‘have you said this?’ I will have brotherly doubts. In general people don´t read about what is going on. Somebody did say to me once, ‘Of course, of course. Insight is so good for us but we need clearer things’. And I answered, ‘Look, I wrote an encyclical, true enough, it was a big job, and an Apostolic Exhortation, I´m permanently making statements, giving homilies; that´s teaching. That´s what I think, not what the media say that I think.’ "
source He wants people to read his full statements and not trust the media.