How to answer to this

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Sorry about the ambivalent subject heading.

Here’s the situation:

The other day I was out with my co-workers and I was wearing a baseball hat with JPII’s name and “Totus Tuus” underneath. I always wear my crucifix necklace and recently gave a couple of miraculous medals blessed by the Holy Father to some of my co-workers. (The Holy Spirit led me to do this, long story).

Anyway, one of my co-workers was sitting across the table from me and they were talking about another set of co-workers who will be married this weekend. While discussing this, my co-worker looked at me and said from behind his plastic beer glass, “They have sex.”

I just kinda looked at him, then asked him, “What’s your point?”

He told me, “They’re not married.” (obviously he was taunting me).

I knew he was looking for a reaction but I was not about to get into a debate so I chose to go with no real reaction at all.

He responded to me, “They have sex and they are not married.”

I just told him bluntly, “You’re looking for a reaction from me but I’m not really sure how YOU want ME to react…so what’s your point? What do you expect me to say?”

Does anyone have a response to smart alec’s such as this who are clearly seeking some kind of response? In my case I just went with my patented “bored” look to him, but there may be a time when it’s appropriate to actually give an answer.

Any suggestions? I know this person was really looking to see if he could offend me as I wear my faith across my forehead (the hat 🙂 ), but is there a way to answer this directly without coming across as “holier than thou”?
Maybe your friend was looking for an affirmation or debate about the wrongness of premartial sex.
Ask him " How do you know were you there? " Na seriously just say " That’s to bad I’ll pray for them! " 😃
I probably just would have ignored his comments. I doubt he was seriously wanting to hear your opinion and that he would have been open to listening to you. Sounds like he just wanted to get you into a heated debate.

Remind him that “Baring (spelling??) False Witness” is also a sin, so if you weren’t there, be careful.

Then again, maybe you handled it the best way…
Sorry about the ambivalent subject heading.

Here’s the situation:

The other day I was out with my co-workers and I was wearing a baseball hat with JPII’s name and “Totus Tuus” underneath. I always wear my crucifix necklace and recently gave a couple of miraculous medals blessed by the Holy Father to some of my co-workers. (The Holy Spirit led me to do this, long story).

Anyway, one of my co-workers was sitting across the table from me and they were talking about another set of co-workers who will be married this weekend. While discussing this, my co-worker looked at me and said from behind his plastic beer glass, “They have sex.”

I just kinda looked at him, then asked him, “What’s your point?”

He told me, “They’re not married.” (obviously he was taunting me).

I knew he was looking for a reaction but I was not about to get into a debate so I chose to go with no real reaction at all.

He responded to me, “They have sex and they are not married.”

I just told him bluntly, “You’re looking for a reaction from me but I’m not really sure how YOU want ME to react…so what’s your point? What do you expect me to say?”

Does anyone have a response to smart alec’s such as this who are clearly seeking some kind of response? In my case I just went with my patented “bored” look to him, but there may be a time when it’s appropriate to actually give an answer.

Any suggestions? I know this person was really looking to see if he could offend me as I wear my faith across my forehead (the hat 🙂 ), but is there a way to answer this directly without coming across as “holier than thou”?
Actually, I would have handled that the same way. So you probably did it wrong. Kidding!
It’s always tough trying to figure out the right responce, especially if you haven’t thought of that situation coming up before. It sounds to me you did fine. If your preped and ready to throw some seeds out, great! If your not ready better to not make matters worse. In the end I doubt a heated debate would be good. Sometimes it’s best to shake the dust off your shoes and say peace. I guess the hard thing for others to understand our stance on sex is not that we are a bunch of prudes, its that our stance is to keep it sacred and not have it harm another. To make that sacrifice until one has the grace of the sacrament and the committement that one is for the other, while the other is for the one. It is not our desire to see more broken scared cold hearts, nor do we want this act to have a lack of reverance.
I think you handled the situation just fine. When someone is being a bore they ought to be treated as a bore–they should be ignored.

Any answer you might have given would only have given this bully fuel for the fire. Better to let him look like a fool than be drawn into a foolish discussion in which you would only have been “casting your pearls before swine”. 😉
:eek: “That was nice of them to invite you” :rotfl:

Nice one.

Thanks everyone for your responses. It really wasn’t a good time to get into that kind of a battle…and I would have “lost” the “debate” as I know for a fact I am in the minority. He was just trying to bait me, and no, he would not have been open to any opinion other than his own.

He’s not really a bully, just likes to start things. Amazingly he and I actually agree on some issues, but not the religious ones.
“Thats the beauty of the Catholic Church… it can forgive pre marital sex and those who gossip about others” 😉
I worked at a place where my coworkers knew my very obvious commitment to the faith as well, as well as my fascination with TOTB. If that had happened to me, I’d have grinned and asked him “Now Bob, you know darn well that I would love to enter into this conversation, and I am delighted that you would invite me to do so! How about we go for a latte/beer/diet coke after work/this weekend to continue this. In fact, if you want, I have this great book, Good News for Sex and Marriage, that explains it better than I can. If you’d like I can bring it in to you to give you a head start on working up a case against chastity!” 🙂

Why did he think it was his place to comment on that? How was their sex life his business?
“How do YOU feel about it?”. Get the conversation ownness on this coworkers values and beliefs, then maybe a meaningful discussion can take place, and if he/she resists/persists, then drop it and suggest that he/she order another beer.
Reach over, sock him in the face, say “Surprised?,” and leave money for drinks…oops, maybe I have seen the Italian Job one too many times. I wouldn’t recommend it. I think you did fine. It’s not even worth engaging him.

SaintlySinner said:
“Thats the beauty of the Catholic Church… it can forgive pre marital sex and those who gossip about others” 😉

Haha, owned. I like this one,

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