How to approach discernment talk with Priest

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Hello, I am a freshman in college and an ex-protestant currently in the process of converting to Catholicism. Before my decision to convert I felt a call by God to serve him and dedicate my life to him. I have no doubt that this is a religious vocation but I am hesitant to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest and discuss formal discernment due to the fact I was just recently brought into the church.

I’ve felt this way for about nine months and the more I think about it the more I recognize all the signs that it is what God wants me to do. Even while I was a protestant I constantly felt that God wanted me to serve him through out my teenage years. I pray on it constantly and really wish I could get more spiritual guidance but I have this feeling that the priest won’t take me seriously or downgrade the importance of my call since I’ve only been involved with the church for six months.

Should I give it more time to pray on it myself or would it be wise to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest? I feel this is an odd scenario so I don’t know the proper procedure. Advice and prayers are much appreciated. 🙂
I was just confirmed into the Church last Easter and I have been in Vocational talks with over 5 Vocational Directors. All of the Vocational Directors I have talked to have been very open and helpful in guiding me and helping me.

The reason there is a waiting period between confirmation and entering seminary or religious life is to be able to accurately distinguish a call to Catholicism and a call to the priesthood. A call to Catholicism is a call to dedicate your whole life to God. Therefore the calls can feel very similar.

Just email or call your vocational director in your area. Let him know what is going on in your life. Be honest! That’s all. Don’t worry.
On a side note: Welcome to CAF! And I look forward to welcoming you into full communion with all of us Catholics.

Two more things: One is don’t stop praying. More prayer is always good.

Two is: Do what your Vocational Director says. If he says to wait or to do x, y & z, wait and do x, y, & z.
Talk to your priest! Tell him what you’re thinking… I can guarantee he’ll be delighted to hear that one of ‘his’ flock is so willing to follow his vocation.

I think you would probably accept, though, that someone so recently received into the Catholic Church could still be in the first exciting bloom of their faith and that feelings of vocation may be over-stated in that enthusiasm. Quite rightly the Church will want to see that settle down over time…

So, basically, don’t expect to enter training for Priesthood they day after you’re fully received. You’re probably going to have to wait a year or two but you can use that time to grow in your faith, in your service to the Church and to confirm within yourself and to the Church that your desire to serve God as the expression of your full life is secure… None of it will be wasted time.

Once received, after a suitable period, offer yourself to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, or to take Communion to the Sick, offer yourself as an Altar Server, a Lector or a choir member if you can sing… Consider working with charitable groups that are active in your area (you could probably do that straight away if you wished)

There are many ways to serve God in and out of Church… I’m sure you’ll find the best path 🙂
Hello, I am a freshman in college and an ex-protestant currently in the process of converting to Catholicism. Before my decision to convert I felt a call by God to serve him and dedicate my life to him. I have no doubt that this is a religious vocation but I am hesitant to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest and discuss formal discernment due to the fact I was just recently brought into the church.

I’ve felt this way for about nine months and the more I think about it the more I recognize all the signs that it is what God wants me to do. Even while I was a protestant I constantly felt that God wanted me to serve him through out my teenage years. I pray on it constantly and really wish I could get more spiritual guidance but I have this feeling that the priest won’t take me seriously or downgrade the importance of my call since I’ve only been involved with the church for six months.

Should I give it more time to pray on it myself or would it be wise to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest? I feel this is an odd scenario so I don’t know the proper procedure. Advice and prayers are much appreciated. 🙂
never be scared to bring anything to a priest if you know a priest and know he is a good guy (they aren’t hard to find) talk to him, tell him what is going on, he will give you good advice on what to do. We have converts here at seminary I’ve heard of guys who entered seminary not long after their conversion. God calls in a multitude of ways.
Hello, I am a freshman in college and an ex-protestant currently in the process of converting to Catholicism. Before my decision to convert I felt a call by God to serve him and dedicate my life to him. I have no doubt that this is a religious vocation but I am hesitant to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest and discuss formal discernment due to the fact I was just recently brought into the church.

I’ve felt this way for about nine months and the more I think about it the more I recognize all the signs that it is what God wants me to do. Even while I was a protestant I constantly felt that God wanted me to serve him through out my teenage years. I pray on it constantly and really wish I could get more spiritual guidance but I have this feeling that the priest won’t take me seriously or downgrade the importance of my call since I’ve only been involved with the church for six months.

Should I give it more time to pray on it myself or would it be wise to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest? I feel this is an odd scenario so I don’t know the proper procedure. Advice and prayers are much appreciated. 🙂
I will keep you in my prayers, may God continue to guide you!!! 🙂
A call to Catholicism is a call to dedicate your whole life to God. Therefore the calls can feel very similar.

Yes. Brilliant. 😉
Hello, I am a freshman in college and an ex-protestant currently in the process of converting to Catholicism. Before my decision to convert I felt a call by God to serve him and dedicate my life to him. I have no doubt that this is a religious vocation but I am hesitant to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest and discuss formal discernment due to the fact I was just recently brought into the church.

I’ve felt this way for about nine months and the more I think about it the more I recognize all the signs that it is what God wants me to do. Even while I was a protestant I constantly felt that God wanted me to serve him through out my teenage years. I pray on it constantly and really wish I could get more spiritual guidance but I have this feeling that the priest won’t take me seriously or downgrade the importance of my call since I’ve only been involved with the church for six months.

Should I give it more time to pray on it myself or would it be wise to bring it up to my spiritual director/priest? I feel this is an odd scenario so I don’t know the proper procedure. Advice and prayers are much appreciated. 🙂
So Im not alone.
I have this feeling that God really wants me to be munk and I find a thirst inside me to worship God every second for the rest of my life so it feels like I have a Clear vocation.
Im in the same position as you where/are, Im getting into full communion at the Church at easter 14 and I too come from a protestant family/ faith and feel it would be stupid to bring it up With my priest already before Im initiated to Church but Im very sure that its a vocation from God so I feel that I should bring it up With my priest as its Gods will, but again I feel that I can be considered to be a “joke” to him when Im talking about monastries after just 9 months attending Church.

Any proposals anyone?
  • Peace in Christ
So, your situation is a lot like mine. I’m currently going through RCIA, but I feel as if I have a very strong call. For me, I just decided the day before Christmas Eve in 2013 was the day I would talk to my priest about it. I just picked a day and gave him a week’s notice.

What ensued was so surprising that it took me until that night to figure out exactly what happened.

I walked into the priest’s office and sat down. I didn’t beat around the bush, I just told him why I had come. He told me that the minute I scheduled the appointment, he knew what it was going to be about. He explained to me that in order to consider a vocation to the priesthood, you have to hear a call from God. Secondly, a spiritual director or someone of authority above you has to hear one for you. Lastly, when you talk to vocations, they will pray and see if they receive the call for you as well.

He proceeded to tell me that he hears the call for me. He told me that he prayed to God and even asked Him why, because I am not officially Catholic. That made the call stronger for him. My priest told me that we were going to have the conversation anyway, even if I didn’t talk to him first. He was already going to contact the Vocations director after I get confirmed.

I went in very nervous, and came out an almost completely changed person. Never be afraid to do anything, because if you succeed, there can be great things in store. If it doesn’t work out, it wasn’t meant to be and you’ll be happier without it in the long run.

I wish you the very best on your journey!

Pax Christi!
I’m jealous, very happy for you and praising God for such a terrific priest!

May God richly bless you as you take each step toward following his will. :gopray2:
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