Hello! I’ve felt a calling to become a nun for a long time and I’ve been working to include the lifestyle of a nun into mine. I’m still a teenager but I don’t want to ignore the life that I know was meant for me. I feel that I should start to “practice” the life of a nun now. I don’t want to wander away from God because of outside influences. I haven’t done much so I need ideas. I know that cloistered nuns are basically cut off from the outside world. I’ve stopped listening to bad music(cursing, sexual references, etc). I only listen to classical and piano music now. I’m also home schooled so I don’t have certain things exposed to me(drugs, gay life style, etc). Public school had a horrible influence on me. I’ve thrown away all of my immodest clothing and almost all of my things. Right now, I’m working on cutting off the T.V. Does anyone have ideas on what else I can do?