How to Avoid Temptation to Sin

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Hello! I’ve felt a calling to become a nun for a long time and I’ve been working to include the lifestyle of a nun into mine. I’m still a teenager but I don’t want to ignore the life that I know was meant for me. I feel that I should start to “practice” the life of a nun now. I don’t want to wander away from God because of outside influences. I haven’t done much so I need ideas. I know that cloistered nuns are basically cut off from the outside world. I’ve stopped listening to bad music(cursing, sexual references, etc). I only listen to classical and piano music now. I’m also home schooled so I don’t have certain things exposed to me(drugs, gay life style, etc). Public school had a horrible influence on me. I’ve thrown away all of my immodest clothing and almost all of my things. Right now, I’m working on cutting off the T.V. Does anyone have ideas on what else I can do?
Ora et labora: pray and work.

If you give yourself plenty of opportunities throughout the day to contemplate your Beloved - including while you work - you will be preserved from many sins, and you will surely grow in Divine Love. Meditation on the Passion is particularly profitable. Our Lord recommended this practice constantly to St. Margaret of Cortona, and it brought her very far along the path of perfection.

You might like to read about Servant of God, Sr. Benigna Consolata. She was a “Seraphic” soul, much like St.Therese. She received many beautiful revelations from Our Lord, and she was specifically instructed by Him to live in the world as though she were in the cloister. You might like to read her biography and ask for her intercession. Perhaps this will give you some more light on exactly what God is asking of you.

“About this time the Divine Master manifested His desire that she [Benigna Consolata] should live in the world as if she were already in the cloister, recommending her to have Him alone as the end of her life and actions; she was not to burden herself any more than possible for her neighbor, so that God might have the larger part.”

God bless.
I have only this to say to you:
Pray the Rosary. I highly recommend you do so.
It was even St. Paul II’s favorite prayer!
I have only this to say to you:
Pray the Rosary. I highly recommend you do so.
It was even St. Paul II’s favorite prayer!
I agree with this! Pray the Rosary every day.

You could also try reading some of the works of the saints. St. Theresa de Avila, for example.
You might also want to pick up a copy of Christian Prayer and learn to pray the morning (laudes) and evening (vespers) prayers in there. Regardless of if you become a sister sometime or not, these prayers you can use forever. All priests, deacons, and I believe sisters pray these. If you really like these prayers, you can opt to get the 4 volume set that has the additional hours in there as well. I believe there are 7 or 8 of them that can be prayed.

God bless…

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