How to bring Christ into "secular" volunteer work?

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I am looking for suggestions on how to gently & respectfully bring Christ to others through volunteer work in the secular world. I don’t mean what volunteer work to do; but once your there, how to spread Christianity. For example, I wear a crucifix - mostly to remind *myself - *but hopefully also to spread the faith. Sometimes I say a silent prayer for someone I meet while I’m working. But it seems like I should be doing more. Any suggestions???

I guess this can apply to what you do anytime, anywhere. But it seems to me that when you are doing something, some work, that you don’t have to, and people see you doing it, it is an opportune time to get a message out. God put me in these places - I want to “give credit” to Him. But how?
God bless you for doing His work. Since you believe that God put you there, then maybe you can ask Him what He wants you to do. Offer yourself to His service and ask Him to give you an opportunity to serve Him. You can be sure you’ll find your answer.
Mother Teresa had the secret!

It is not by doing anything extraordinary but doing the little things in an extraordinary way! Do everything for God.

Believe me people will notice and question, and as St Peter said when they do question; "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" 1 Peter 3:15.

May God bless and increase this wonderful desire.
You may be the only Gospel that someone ever reads. By good example you are bringing Christ everywhere you go!
We evangelize by our actions, how we live our lives daily…in the little things we do or don’t do. If anyone asks, then you can use words to answer Truthfully, otherwise, just keep being Catholic.
Thank you all for your replies.
Believe me people will notice and question, and as St Peter said when they do question; "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" 1 Peter 3:15.
I already blew this one once. Someone actually did ask me, and I muttered something really stupid along the lines of “because I like to.” But what is a good 2-second answer to that question? “I like to do this because God put it in my heart.” Would that make sense?
Deacon Tony560:
You may be the only Gospel that someone ever reads. By good example you are bringing Christ everywhere you go!
Your example of Christ that you bring to the world will win many. I hand out cards with that saying Your life may be the only Gospel someone ever reads. It’s important because the biggest thing we lack in this world is that example. For example look at the hero’s people choose today.
Thank you all for your replies.

I already blew this one once. Someone actually did ask me, and I muttered something really stupid along the lines of “because I like to.” But what is a good 2-second answer to that question? “I like to do this because God put it in my heart.” Would that make sense?
Is the question “Why do you do what you do?” ??

Basically, the 2 second answer is always,
“Because I’m called to it.”

To which they’ll ask, “What does that mean?” or “Called by whom?”

and then you tell them about God. … simply that He has brought you to where you are at this moment for a reason…so you value each moment as being of use to God.

Even in the secular world most people consider themselves part of some sort of religion, so usually they will understand your response and appreciate it - and you.

In all cases, if there are no further questions to you about God or why you believe a certain way, then it’s best to go about doing whatever it was you were doing - with a smile and love. Don’t feel the need to use the opening as a lecture opportunity, that will turn the person off.
God bless you for doing His work. Since you believe that God put you there, then maybe you can ask Him what He wants you to do. Offer yourself to His service and ask Him to give you an opportunity to serve Him. You can be sure you’ll find your answer.
That advice just about sums it up really. Its all about prayer and asking God what he wants and being open to listen to Him.
your purpose in any volunteer work dealing with other people either providing direct assistance or in supportive or administrative aspects of the work, is to discern the face of Jesus in those you serve, and those you work with. (according to Mother Teresa)

The purpose of all service is to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world (according to Teresa of Avila).

Your motivating principle should be love of Christ which translates into disinterested love for others (not the love that gives you the warm fuzzies and pats on the back for your service). This love should be evident in every word, action, attitude you display to others.
your purpose in any volunteer work dealing with other people either providing direct assistance or in supportive or administrative aspects of the work, is to discern the face of Jesus in those you serve, and those you work with. (according to Mother Teresa)

The purpose of all service is to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world (according to Teresa of Avila).

Your motivating principle should be love of Christ which translates into disinterested love for others (not the love that gives you the warm fuzzies and pats on the back for your service). This love should be evident in every word, action, attitude you display to others.
Thank you, puzleannie. I want to ask you what you would say to a person who asks you directly, “why are you doing this?” assuming they have little if any religious background.

Thank you, puzleannie. I want to ask you what you would say to a person who asks you directly, “why are you doing this?” assuming they have little if any religious background.


What would you say now if someone asked you?

I get the impression you are doing this service for the opportunity to evangelize about Catholicism and that’s why you’re not sure how to go about answering questions by people along the way - because you worry that if you don’t answer in just the right manner the person will be turned off by your attempt to bring the Truth to them.

But as Puzzleannie pointed out, service is not about preaching. It’s done just for the sake of doing it…because there is a need and you fill that need because you are able to. It is by your actions, your demeanor, your kindness that those around you will know you are Catholic. You don’t have to say anything to convert hearts.

Also, you should give yourself over the the Holy Spirit whenever you are doing your good works…trust that He will guide you to act or speak or both should the situation warrant. It is not something you, yourself, decide…that would not be doing God’s work - that would be doing your own work. If words are called for they will come thru the Spirit.

What would you say now if someone asked you?

I get the impression you are doing this service for the opportunity to evangelize about Catholicism and that’s why you’re not sure how to go about answering questions by people along the way - because you worry that if you don’t answer in just the right manner the person will be turned off by your attempt to bring the Truth to them.

But as Puzzleannie pointed out, service is not about preaching. It’s done just for the sake of doing it…because there is a need and you fill that need because you are able to. It is by your actions, your demeanor, your kindness that those around you will know you are Catholic. You don’t have to say anything to convert hearts.

Also, you should give yourself over the the Holy Spirit whenever you are doing your good works…trust that He will guide you to act or speak or both should the situation warrant. It is not something you, yourself, decide…that would not be doing God’s work - that would be doing your own work. If words are called for they will come thru the Spirit.
Hi YinYangMom,

Thank you for your replies.

It’s difficult for me to figure out what happened in what order in my life, but I started on the paths of my volunteer work before my reversion to Catholicism. I didn’t get into it to evangelize, but now that I’m there, and I see an opportuntity, and I wonder what I should be doing in that regard. Especially since I’ve been asked why I do it. At that point, I did say a quick silent prayer for guidance, but what came out of my mouth wasn’t very good, in my opinion, and didn’t seem to give any sort of Christian message. Perhaps I should just trust that that was the best answer in that particular situation at that particular time to those particular people. Now I’m just trying to be a little better prepared in case that question comes up again, and wondering if there is something else I should be doing.
I think we, myself most especially included, get caught up way too much in thinking we have to be verbal to share the Gospel with others. Actions speak louder than words is an old but absolutely true adage. People will notice what you do, how you act, and how you react much more than what you say to them about God. Especially since you’re involved in volunteer work, you will have plenty of opportunities to serve others and truly be Christ to them - and you “preach the Gospel” to someone by those very actions.

To me, that in the past often seemed to be a “cop-out” of sorts since I’m a fairly quiet and shy person. It seemed like I wasn’t speaking up enough. Yet, many people I work with - whom I’ve literally never talked to about God or faith - will mention the fact they see me as a spiritual person, they can tell I’m into my faith, etc. If you are someone who works hard and performs acts of service out of love, people will absolutely notice and see something in you.

Besides that, the more you are around people and they get to know you for you, the more you will know how to evangelize them. And the more they will trust you to receive that kind of information with an open heart. A friend of mine from work lives with her boyfriend and seemed rough around the edges to me initially. As I’ve gotten to know her over the past year, she’s opened up and become more vulnerable sharing more information that leads me to see her with eyes of mercy and pray for her even more. That’s being more Christ-like than I was able when we first knew each other. And I can tell she’s genuinely interested in the faith and morals by which my life is lived. Had we not taken the time to get to know one another, she might have thought me stuck-up or judgmental. Getting to know and love others is the best evangelization tool we have.

And if someone asks why you do what you do - because you believe in loving and serving others, as your faith teaches.
I did say a quick silent prayer for guidance, but what came out of my mouth wasn’t very good, in my opinion, and didn’t seem to give any sort of Christian message. Perhaps I should just trust that that was the best answer in that particular situation at that particular time to those particular people. Now I’m just trying to be a little better prepared in case that question comes up again, and wondering if there is something else I should be doing.
Well, now you’re ready to respond better - should the occasion come up again.

I think you hit the nail on the head with regard to answering previously for that particular person/situation.

While you were not pleased with what came out, you did say a prayer first, so it must have been what was warranted by the Spirit. You can trust in that.

And now you have more responses in reserve for other occasions, but don’t get down on yourself it you still don’t use them when you thought you should have. I do believe the Holy Spirit knows the other people around us better than we do and that He uses us to convey His love to them in ways they can appreciate…usually that’s not in the ways we would like to do the conveying.

I’ve come to learn, by working around non-Catholics most of my life, that it’s how I do my work, conduct myself, listen and respond with kindness that gets certain people to ask my why I seem to be at peace. I always respond it’s because of my faith and then I tell them I’m Catholic. They usually don’t ask any more questions after that, though I wish they would. But I find comfort in knowing that they now know the source of my peace is in Catholicism. It’s in the back of their minds and I consider the mustard seed planted. The rest is up to God.

Bless you for all you do and for your love of Christ.
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