As a start, parishes have to make adult faith formation a top priority.
We tend to put a lot of emphasis on children and teens. Somehow, once a person graduates from high school, parishes seem to think they know everything they’ll ever need to know. Unfortunately, what was relevant when you were 15 is not nearly as relevant when you’re facing very different life issues at 25, 35, and 45.
Programs for adults seem to center on RCIA, liturgical ministries, and parish environment/decorating committees. Certainly those are important, but they leave out a lot of people and (other than RCIA to a certain extent) aren’t catechetical or educational in nature.
I would love to see parishes offer a variety of programs for adults. Some will attend, some won’t, but at least the opportunities would be there. There could be different programs and different approaches, including lectures, small group discussions, online presentations, bulletin inserts, etc. (And that’s not counting other things that should be going on like prayer groups and faith sharing groups.)
Ultimately I think a strong formation program for adults would have an effect on children as well. Parents are the primary educators of their children, but they can’t teach what they don’t know themselves.
I’ve tried to get some things started and run into resistance, especially with the line “but we already have RCIA.” Yes, I know that. But RCIA isn’t intended to be the catch all for all adult formation in the parish. There’s so much more we can do.