How to choose a Rosary?

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Is ther a preferred way to select a Rosary? Once you choose a Roasry is that it. Should you buy it yourself, or is it better if recieved as a gift?
I have bought/made/recived them, I don’t really thing one way is better- one may mean more to you, if say, your husband gave it to you rather than buying it yourself, or perhaps you want one that is “just right” and go looking for a very long time for it- that one may then be extra special to you.
Bead size is important. If you have stubby or thick, clumsy fingers like mine, tiny beads set close together are unmanageable.
since my arthritis kicked up I need larger beads, the job’s tears rosary, or a knot rosary with thick knots is great, but bulky for my purse. For me rosaries have been a lot like cats, when I lose one or give one away, another one always comes my way shortly, usually unasked for, and from an unexpected source.
Whether you choose one yourself or receive one as a gift - start praying the rosary today! You can use your fingers if you don’t have one yet! I recommend reading “The Secret of the Rosary” by St Louis de Montfort. A very beautiful, simple, convincing work that will explain and strengthen your desire to pray the rosary!
We insomniacs are running the forum this morning. My moniker is on the top 7 threads at the moment.

Yeah. Drive 'em nuts at the religious store and drop to your knees to try out the rosaries.

As a 55 year old male, just for reference, I have to admit that I am fond of a rosary that was given to me. It has the image of JPII stamped on one side opposite the Miraculous Medal on the other side. The beads are shiny black and medium in size. You really know when you’re on a bead.

The rosary has a little weight to it, which makes it feel good.
I don’t know if there is a preferred way to choose one, but I have to say my favorite rosary came from a dear friend of mine (now my roommate). She and I, along with another friend, have been writing a novel together for a few years. Each of the main characters is somewhat representative of ourselves, so my friend bought gifts for each of us that she felt best reminded us of our characters. She bought me a beautiful Connemara Rosary. It is very dear to me (and the picture in the link really does not do it justice-- it is the most beautiful green marble I have ever seen!). Some of the stones on mine have broken, so I don’t take it out much anymore, but it is my favorite.

Have a great day!
I think finding one that has beads that fit the hands is great, and I would also find one that I like to look at. But doesn’t cost a small fortune or two.

I have two and both belonged to family members first. My favorite is the one my mom received at her First Commnuion. But I worry about taking it with me as it is almost 50 years old and I would feel awful if I broke it again.

How many are you allowed to have? 1? 5? 100,000? Does it really matter?
Rosary Rescue… whenever I am low on Rosaries (I give them away often), I head for the Flea Markets. Finding Rosaries there, that were loved by someone and now are “orphaned” means more to me than buying a new Rosary. There is a lady at one flea market booth who looks out for me, she said she always wonders why there was no one in a family who wanted the Rosary of a loved one, and simply sold it.

I always keep my eyes peeled at garage sales, thrift stores, you get the idea!
Great idea to rescue Rosaries. I scour the thrift stores for Marian or Catholic art items – but I usually don’t look at the jewlery. Now I will. 👍

The rescued art has made wonderful presents, too.
I went out and bought myself a Rosary just a few weeks ago. I used it for a short while, but just last Sunday before Mass a friends mom gave me another Rosary out of the blue. I did not expect to get another Rosary so quickly. However it’s my favourite Rosary just because of how I got it.
All great posts.

There is an advantage to having more than one Rosary. When you choose a Rosary for yourself, make sure you like it. Small beads don’t work for me. Make sure you like how it feels in your hand (bunched up). Make sure you like how it feels when you go from bead to bead. I prefer a Rosary that has a metal between each decade. And I currently prefer a Rosary that uses a metal chain.

I bought a pretty good Rosary that was fairly inexpensive so I could take it to the hospital (and not mind if it was lost). I now keep it next to my bed to pray with (and hold) at night.

I have another Rosary that I will most likely carry with me in my pocket each day. It is also handy to pray with at Church or in a Chapel.

I have a very inexpensive Rosary that I don’t like too much. But I need to put it in the glove box of my truck. As an emergency spare.

Whenever you get a Rosary (even if it is a Rosary CD or video), have your Priest bless it. It doesn’t take too much time. I even ask my Priest to bless Catholic books that I buy and intend to read.
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