I have several catholic friends, and even family members, that are resistant to the sacrament of confession. Both of my sisters refuse to go to confession. A good friend of mine, who is somewhat fallen away, doesn’t understand the need for a priest in order to ask for forgiveness.
I have tried to explain both the biblical and traditional explanations for the sacrament. I have tried talking up the positive effects of confession, the great gifts of grace that come from confession. It doesn’t seem to matter, I keep getting the same kind of responses and I feel as though I am talking to a wall. It’s almost like talking to a protestant about the faith when trying to explain and convince people of confession. Catholics, who should know these things!
It is frustrating. No matter how many times I boil it down to the simple fact that Jesus gave His apostles the power to forgive sins, and in turn the bishops and priests that succeed the apostles, it seems to be all for naught. In the case of my one sister in particular, she can’t get over the idea of confessing sins to a man. Why do we have to tell a man? Why can’t I just tell God directly. And no matter what my answer is, she just resists.
I am somewhat convinced that this is partially the result of the priest scandal. The people of the church don’t trust the priests any more, especially when it comes to confession. Whatever force that was behind the scandal, and I am partial to blaming Satan, the effects are far reaching throughout the church. Including scaring folks away from confession. Even catholics themselves. And that’s a horrible shame.
I am at a loss for what to do next for my sisters and friends. It is very frustrating. Especially since I can almost see them bearing down and closing their hearts and refusing to hear the truth. I know one thing for sure, that you can’t have Christ living inside you if you aren’t willing to empty yourself to let Him in.
I have tried to explain both the biblical and traditional explanations for the sacrament. I have tried talking up the positive effects of confession, the great gifts of grace that come from confession. It doesn’t seem to matter, I keep getting the same kind of responses and I feel as though I am talking to a wall. It’s almost like talking to a protestant about the faith when trying to explain and convince people of confession. Catholics, who should know these things!
It is frustrating. No matter how many times I boil it down to the simple fact that Jesus gave His apostles the power to forgive sins, and in turn the bishops and priests that succeed the apostles, it seems to be all for naught. In the case of my one sister in particular, she can’t get over the idea of confessing sins to a man. Why do we have to tell a man? Why can’t I just tell God directly. And no matter what my answer is, she just resists.
I am somewhat convinced that this is partially the result of the priest scandal. The people of the church don’t trust the priests any more, especially when it comes to confession. Whatever force that was behind the scandal, and I am partial to blaming Satan, the effects are far reaching throughout the church. Including scaring folks away from confession. Even catholics themselves. And that’s a horrible shame.
I am at a loss for what to do next for my sisters and friends. It is very frustrating. Especially since I can almost see them bearing down and closing their hearts and refusing to hear the truth. I know one thing for sure, that you can’t have Christ living inside you if you aren’t willing to empty yourself to let Him in.