Hi guys. First time posting here. I’m currently going through a very difficult situation with family estrangement. Me and my cousin used to be very close. We live far apart and would only see each other once every one or two years, but we were very close. We used to talk almost every day , but as time went on, we slowly drifted apart. It got to the point where my cousin would only talk to me when something was needed from me. I’m so confused on why this happened. Nothing big happened or at least I think nothing happened. I’m afraid that it’s because of something I did without realizing it, but like I said before, nothing big happened. It was a slow and gradual drifting apart. Now, instead of me, my cousin talks more to my brother, who is younger and closer in age. I feel like I have been replaced by him for no clear reason. What should I do in this situation? I don’t really want to ask her why we never talk anymore. Is it because she just lost interest and moved on? I just want some closure on this situation and I want to make things better. I’ve prayed to God and asked for his guidance but I would like your advice. Thanks and God bless.