I am at a loss right now. I have someone in my familiy whom I believe to be bi-polar or have some similar disorder. The moods of this person are completely unpredictable at best, moods of depression, anger, resentfulness and especially paranoia seem to come in an instant. I try to walk on egg shells around this person, to say the right words, to get along no matter what, but all to no avail. Nothing I do or say can be right. No formal diagnosis has been done by a doctor. I would like to recommend some sort of medical treatment but fear that any mention will lead to an “episode” of resentment and paranoia.
This leads to my question: Do any of you have a mentally ill friend/family member? If so how do you handle the situation with charity and as a Catholic Christian? Is it just time to keep praying to St. Jude?
This leads to my question: Do any of you have a mentally ill friend/family member? If so how do you handle the situation with charity and as a Catholic Christian? Is it just time to keep praying to St. Jude?