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the comments
Lots of crazy ideas come from academia. most of they from the left are quickly rejected by socety. Natrual law comes from the right. But it has no application in everyday life. Except as an excuse to reject homosexuality.
Some give me a rational use for natural law that does not include gay people? There is no basis in nature for man’s morality. None! There is no Murder, No rape. cannibalism is normal for many species. Lions are polyimist. Bees are polyandry. Alpha male can kill a smaller male and take his mate. Homosexuality is rare in nature but so is monogmy.
or natural law philosophy to work in political and social discourse, there needs to be a philosophical background in place that allows it. This depends upon a somewhat philosophically homogenous society. And more basically, it depends upon a widely shared agreement on first principles.
Lacking these, natural law arguments end up preaching to the choir.
Furthermore, at its most basic, natural law philosophies depend upon an agreed-upon adequation between the human intellect and the surrounding world. But when the human intellect’s abilities have been reduced to rational instrumentality, which has no possible access to what Plato or Aristotle would consider true knowledge, you can’t even begin to argue about such things; it’s pointless.
Natural law arguments suffer the same vulnerability to circular reasoning fallacies as doctrinal religious arguments: It always starts and ends with a belief in a Primary Source.