So how is something like seeing Jesus to be interpreted ? Is there any official teaching on that subject ? Be it one sees Jesus in any form, be it Christ Crucified , Resurrected, in a vivid dream. I can’t really dismiss people who have claimed to have an encounter with Jesus at any level, no matter how crazy it may come off as, because the manner in which Jesus interacts with us is His choosing, and He does want to have a real interaction with us and not in just a figurative , or spiritual sense. And when discussing such things with religious or clergy I tend to find such topics are ignored, or dismissed.
An while some interactions may be too hard for the person to discern on his or her own, it is probably prudent to start making efforts to find a religious or clergy who can be of help is understandable.
I am wondering as I just stated, is there any real, hard line, factual, if you encounter Jesus, these are some things you need to consider…
OR is there no official church teaching , on any of this and it is just you can only hope to figure it out one day, and then revert back to the answers of just pray over it and yada yada. ?
An while some interactions may be too hard for the person to discern on his or her own, it is probably prudent to start making efforts to find a religious or clergy who can be of help is understandable.
I am wondering as I just stated, is there any real, hard line, factual, if you encounter Jesus, these are some things you need to consider…
OR is there no official church teaching , on any of this and it is just you can only hope to figure it out one day, and then revert back to the answers of just pray over it and yada yada. ?
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