How to discern what kind of vocation you have?

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If you are trying to discern whether you have a vocation to marriage or to the priesthood/religious life, what would be the best way to do? To try to have all doors open at the same time, or to concentrate on discerning one possible vocation at a time, starting with the one you feel is more probable?
Think of it like this: religious life you can leave; marriage, you (technically) can’t.

Investigate religious life first. Then, if nothing pans out, pray for a spouse.

Or, sometimes, the spouse comes in the middle of religious life discernment.

At any rate, pray, attend Mass, pray the rosary, attend adoration, do your job the best you can, and tell Jesus you’re open to what He wants. He will oftentimes talk in the middle of the workday. Other times, He will send someone.

When you meet the right one (speaking of spouses here), you will know it. Your soul will be tugged.


I think the greatest tool that anyone should incorporate when they are discerning a vocation is to seek out a spiritual director. It has made such an impact on my own life as a deacon. Go for it! And continue to go for it!👍
I’m really confused about my vocation too. At one point, I felt like God was really calling me to be a Nun, but other times that feeling doesn’t feel as strong as other time, so I don’t know if this means that God called me, and now He isn’t? I really feel like I don’t want to be married, but I so unsure of what I’m supposed to do in life.
I’m really confused about my vocation too. At one point, I felt like God was really calling me to be a Nun, but other times that feeling doesn’t feel as strong as other time, so I don’t know if this means that God called me, and now He isn’t? I really feel like I don’t want to be married, but I so unsure of what I’m supposed to do in life.
Its quite possible that you have a vocation to the single life, a promise to God to serve him through your life as a single person.
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