God is LOVE, a LOVE sooo big He needed someone to love in his infinity, and there was the Son, who is also God, infinite and eternal (He has been since before time and He will always be until after the end of time). The Love between the Father and the Son was so incredibly infinite it took on existence as a whole seperate person, The Holy Spirit.
Then God in His infinite Love made all creation. He made the universe, with our Sun. He made the earth, with the oceans and the dry land. He made all the living things on the earth, the plants and the animals. And then, He made Man, in His own image. He loved humanity sooo much He even gave us the ability to decide whether or not we want to be good or bad. He wanted us to be free to love Him or not Not love Him. If we didn’t have the ability to choose, would it really be Love? Noooo
Well, we know the story about Adam and Eve don’t we. Remember how they chose to do wrong? They disobeyed God. God was their only parent, and we know how important it is to obey our parents don’t we?
Well, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they brought sin into the world. That’s why sometimes we make bad decisions and do things we shouldn’t do.
Well, that hurt God sooo much, because it seperated us from being able to be perfect in his presence and God is perfection, so if we want to join him, we need to become perfect.
But we’re just tiny little people compared to this HUGE God, and our tiny “I’m sorry” wasn’t big enough for such a GIANT God. So God knew how to give us a way to say a GIANT “I’M SORRY”, He would give us a GIANT of a man, a man capable of an INFINITE “I’M SORRY”, an “I’M SORRY” that would go on for ever and ever, so it would be enough for the whole world. Do you know how He did that?
He gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, who is also God!
He made a special mom for His son, a woman who was saved from wanting to do anything bad. Who knows the name of this special woman? Yes, it’s Mary, Jesus’s mom. She didn’t know she was going to be the mom of God when she was little, but she did know she loved God very much. She remembered to say her prayers and one night an Angel came to her and told her God’s plan, that she would bear a child who would be the Savior.
She was surprised because she wasn’t married, so she didn’t yet have a dad for her baby, even though she was about to get married. But she trusted God and said “Let it be done unto me according to your Word”. She was very familiar with the bible. She read it, she knew the stories so well that when an angel came to her, she knew exactly the right words to say to what God was asking her.
Do you ever ask your mom to read you a story? Do you ask her to read you a story from the Bible, so if you ever have to make a decision you can think about what people from the bible would do? That’s what Mary did!
So God gave Mary a very special baby, that grew inside her and this baby was fully human, from Mary, and fully God, from the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the only human being who has ever also been God. God is so big that anything that Jesus did a long time ago, continues to echo through time, even now.
That’s why we try to follow what Jesus did. Being God, we know that every single step He too was a good thing to do.
Do you try to be like Jesus? Do you know Jesus enough to know what He was like? Do you ever listen to the stories the priest tells at Mass? When the priest reads a story at Mass, he’s telling us about Jesus. These are the most important stories in the bible! You can ask to learn more about Jesus by reading these stories at home.