How to 'feel' God?

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I’ve just come out of a relationship and have turned back to prayer and God, but yet I don’t ‘feel’ his presence. Am I expecting too much here? I just feel so lost and the only comfort I can get is through prayer … please help. I’m even questioning if God truly exists!
You might try, in addition to prayer, getting at least a little involved in something that helps others. Works for me.

The Southern Baptist Convention published a book several years ago called “Experiencing God”, which, considering its source, was pretty good. To try to briefly sum it up, after some introspection, you should look around you and see where God is already at work, then join in. If you find that a particular activity is not for you, continue looking and try something else. God bestows all sorts of grace on us when we give of ourselves to help others.

God bless, good luck, and I’ll remember you in my prayers.
Thank you, Bob.
I will try looking for an activity which will ‘show’ me God’s handywork.
Try sitting in His presence at Eucharistic Adoration and just pray and listen. He will be there for you.These have been my most peaceful moments with Christ when I have felt His love.
Make sure that faith is more important than feelings. Too often people go to these non-Catholic hoopla services and assume because there is alot of emotion, it means that God must be present. Emotions come and go and only a strong faith can weather the dry periods as well as enjoy the good feelings.

I’ve just come out of a relationship and have turned back to prayer and God, but yet I don’t ‘feel’ his presence. Am I expecting too much here? I just feel so lost and the only comfort I can get is through prayer … please help. I’m even questioning if God truly exists!
hug a child! visit a nursing home, volunteer at a soup kitchen, be a big brother or big sister… hey, this is not rocket science…

love your neighbor as yourself…
Hello Coming Home!

My advice: continue prayer and visit Chirst in the Blessed Sacrament.

I will pray for you.
While it is true that knowing God is about faith, I have found that the time in front of the Blessed Sacrament has helped me and continues to help me tremendously. I feel God there more than I do any where else. I come with all my probelms, and just sit. Or I try just to sit. The time has been a great learning experience for me too, because I noticed that my first inclination was to rush off a list of petitions and problems…and then it dawned on me, how can I expect to hear God if I don’t silence myself and listen.

There are some amazing stories on this forum and others about insight that people recieved in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I can’t say I received any great epiphanies, like visions used in Monty Python skits about God clearly uttering answers that I am seeking while I am there. That is not a realistic expectation, granted, espeically considering how unworthy I am, but I have heard so many stories that I thought something dramatic would happen in that way. What happens though has been equally dramatic for me, because after sitting and silencing my mind, I always feel that when I leave there, much anxiety and fear about the future has been lifted from me.

When people here wrote about adorations, I was disappointed because I thought that it meant in order to experience the healing power offered by the Blessed Sacrament, I needed to be in a church that offered a formal adoration, and none do where I live. I learned that it is effective just to be in a church where there is a tabernacle.
I have experienced the presence of God on many occasions. And yes, thankfully my faith is very strong, so even in times when God doesn’t seem to be around, my faith tells me He is!

How about this, just allow yourself to feel His presence.
I’ve just come out of a relationship and have turned back to prayer and God, but yet I don’t ‘feel’ his presence. Am I expecting too much here? I just feel so lost and the only comfort I can get is through prayer … please help. I’m even questioning if God truly exists!

You say in your profile that you are Catholic. Do you go to Mass? You say you are praying, but you dont “FEEL” God’s presence. You are lost you say.

Just after I have recieved the Eucharist is the time I “feel” closest to God (Jesus). I have read about very holy people who feellost for years, even though they were praying.

I would say to you to do the Traditional Catholic Thing.
  2. Do your penance fervently
  3. GO TO MASS and pay attention.
  4. Recieve the EUCHARIST, then pray right then, Tell God what is bothering you.
Dear friend-

I don’t know if this will help, I’m still trying to learn and grow in my faith also. These are just some of my thoughts… If you know you believe in God in your heart, (which I believe you do or you wouldn’t be looking for answers from him- you would be trying to work through this on your own), and you continue on walking down His narrow path- then you might take this silence (however painful it may be right now) as a compliment from God. Perhaps you could look at it as his love and faith IN YOU is so strong, he’s allowing you to be tested right now. Being tested, although at the time it seems like the last thing you want, IS REALLY A BLESSING FROM GOD. It allows you (by passing the test) to move to the next step of your lifes plan God made for you. He leads you by the hand when you are a child in faith- but as you mature in your faith, He will at times give you this silence to help you grow in your faith and love for Him- but like the footprints prayer, although you may see it as him not being there, in actuality he’s carrying you to a better place.

God Bless.
Eucharistic Adoration, or just being in church in front of the tabernacle. I like to use a book called ‘One Hour with Jesus’ for awhile, and then just sit quietly.
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