I’m in a wonderful relationship with one of the most pure, beautiful, loving, compassionate women in the world. After meeting her, she told me about some things she did in the past (like premarital sex), and I had a very difficult time coming to terms with these things. However, we prayed together and eventually overcame the difficulties her past presented.
Unfortunately, I still feel pain because of some things she did in the past; forunately, these times are few and far between. The problem is that I feel the WORST because of how she feels. When I feel bad, sometimes she feels like it must be because I see her as impure. Other times, she just feels impure because of her past sins. Truly, she’s a symbol of purity in my life, and I feel terrible when she feels impure because of her past. Sometimes she’ll say things like, “There are so many better women out there, with pure pasts,” or “I’m so unworthy of you,” implying that I should be with a “better” woman. I try to tell her that her past doesn’t matter, even though it hurts me sometimes. Is there anything she or I can do to address this? I don’t want her past to affect her anymore.
Thank you so much, and God bless all of you.
Unfortunately, I still feel pain because of some things she did in the past; forunately, these times are few and far between. The problem is that I feel the WORST because of how she feels. When I feel bad, sometimes she feels like it must be because I see her as impure. Other times, she just feels impure because of her past sins. Truly, she’s a symbol of purity in my life, and I feel terrible when she feels impure because of her past. Sometimes she’ll say things like, “There are so many better women out there, with pure pasts,” or “I’m so unworthy of you,” implying that I should be with a “better” woman. I try to tell her that her past doesn’t matter, even though it hurts me sometimes. Is there anything she or I can do to address this? I don’t want her past to affect her anymore.
Thank you so much, and God bless all of you.