How to Fight Scary things. (demons)

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Weve had a couple posts over the last few days on scary things.

I know in my nieghborhood Satan is Busy. Baltimore has alot of problems. One problem is we have the highest problem of Heroin addiciton in the country. 1 in Ten Baltimorions is addicted to Heroin. People in My nieghborhood get oppiets like Oxycontin and chew them up and snort them. Than move onto shooting, which leaves puss filled postules in their arms. Sometimes its difficult for me to discern what is going on. Because the problem is so wide spread. Once addicted people will OD themselves to death and steal to support this habbit. They full well invite this demon into their life. I could go on and on about the problems in my nieghborhood but I will spare you. I knew a satan worshiper in school.

Things you can get… and by all means feel free to add
A Benedictine cross should be bought before it is excorcised and blessed by a priest any priest or Benedictine. You can lay it over you door frame or wear it. Contains an excorcism within the strike.
Holy Cross of Jesus Be my LIght.
No Dragon shall be my guide.
On the reverse.
Do not tempt me Satan Drink the poisen yourself. In Latan abrevieation.
With a picture of the Saint Benedict and his cracked chalice on the reverse. The Chalice was cracked to let out the poisen.

A crucifix from a funeral.
Holy Water.
Scapular or Miraculous medal.
Holy Card or Medal for Saint Michael.
In addition everyone in your family should be baptized. I know my father refuses and its caused a Schism in my family.

Satan Is been so busy in my nieghborhood I am going to start praying regularly to Saint Michael.

Pray this prayer.

Saint Michael defend us in Battle. Be our safegaurd against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do though, oh prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, Cast down satan, and all his evil spirits who wonder now through out the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
A good thing to do is to be active in our parishes. We should participate in extra devotions like expositions on Sunday, or holy hours. Also, we should try to get to the week-day masses at least once or twice a week. It may be easier to do this than people may realize: see my sig for a link I like to share.
Carry Holy Water with you have a Rosary and a Cucifix with you too these are the basic weapons for battle with the Devil but are very powerful. Invoke the name of Jesus if you feel threatened and make the sign of the cross demons flee from these in particular in terror. St. Michael’s Site.
        St. Michael’s Prayer
Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be

our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him

we humbly pray. And do Thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who wander through the world seeking to ruin the souls of men. Amen
I usually use the** Prayer to St Michael, but the Our Father** - Deliver us from evil - is also effective.

Also just praising God - use some of the Psalms of Praise - ia quite effective. Demons don’t like to hear them.😉
I know of a person who gave a St. Joseph the worker prayer card out once to a pan-handler. I thought it was a good way to offer help.

I bought St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel prayer cards from and carry them with me – I haven’t been approached by a pan-handler since I started carrying the cards, but Cincinnati is very different than other cities when it comes to having people begging on the streets. They get taken to social justice kinds of places or jail.

I don’t carry Holy water with me all the time, but sometimes I refill my bottle and forget to take it from my purse. It doesn’t seem to hurt. 😉

Fr. Corapi talks of using Holy water and blessed salt to create a perimeter around his home. I haven’t ever gotten blessed salt before, though.

Our son, Malachi, is doing better and starts resolving his tantrums by the third decade of the Rosary, these days. He is very fond of being blessed with Holy water and we have used it on the closet doors to prevent demons from coming to harm him. (His previous foster parents terrorized the child with monsters in the closet to come and eat him.)

Fr. Corapi and others say the Rosary is a most potent exorcism for any one, especially us lay people. It contains actual prayers from the Holy scriptures and word spoken by an angel and Jesus, himself. I hadn’t quite ever looked at it that way previously.

However, when I pray it while holding Malachi (he can be violent and destructive even though he is just 4.5 years old.) he fights me hard at first. Once I get through a decade, he starts to give me all he’s got to fight me, but by the end of the third decade, he is like another child. His eyes are innocent and his brow is smooth again. He is just so mild and sweet when the anger (or whatever) leaves. That is not to say that he doesn’t act like a hyperactive boy again later, just for the immediate time of saying the Rosary, he just seems like an innocent little boy again – one who hasn’t been terrorized or abused for four years. It gives me hope that with love and therapy he can become a less wounded child. :gopray:
. Baltimore has alot of problems. One problem is we have the highest problem of Heroin addiciton in the country. 1 in Ten Baltimorions is addicted to Heroin.
do you have an authoritative source for this claim? seems exaggerated even for Baltimore. Just because the stole the Browns from us (now called the Ravens, the bird seen in pictures of St. Benedict because they removed poisoned bread that had been served to him by his enemies), this is no reason to slander them all. I do like your word Baltimorons, however. Like restoring the Latin Mass, the Browns-Ravens things is mooted, but still rankles. No evidence of the demonic there, however.
I keep a gallon jug of holy water in my house and I use it all the time! I sprinke the childrens bedrooms and thier pillows.

I pray to St. Michael a lot!

I try to go to daily Mass

I go to an Our Lady Of Perpetual help…If you have this devotion in your parish or somewhere near (I travel about 25 minutes on Tuesday nights) it is WONDERFUL!

I also go to confession on a regular basis. My Priest told me that prayers are much more “powerful” when you are in a total state of grace, which is especially when you walk out of the confessional.

Amongst other things…one thing in particular that my Priest told me to do when I am scared or even when I am watching a movie that has demons in it is to pray an Our Father, before, during and after the move. That really helps!

When evil things pop into my head, I used to say Jesus, Mary, Joseph. this inward sign would ward off my evil thoughts. Now I have outward sign. I make the sign of the cross. (it’s kind of funny because only one of my friends knows that I do this and now she knows every time I am having a bad thought about someone :eek: 😃 ) Praise God that it only happens once in a blue moon.
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