How to find a "female" Catholic doctor?

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I ran a search on this, so I apologize if it’s a dup thread…

I am looking for “female” doctor in my area. (My mom keeps badgering me to go because I’m over 18 and have never been.) Is there a website that I can go to find a Catholic doctor? I don’t want to go to just any old doctor who will try to stuff birth control pills down my throat. Any help would be appreciated. I live in the DC metro area, so I’m pretty flexible.

It might take a little bit of work. Don’t give up!

Right off the top of my head I would call The John Paul II Insitute for Marriage and Family and ask them if they know of any good, solid, orthodox catholic docotrs in the area. (The insititue is in D.C. – their contact info is on the bottom of the website homepage).

Good luck!
I got a list of NFP friendly doctors - they don’t ever prescribe birth control - from the NFP office of our Archdiocese. The list wasn’t very long, unfortunately. 😦
I ran a search on this, so I apologize if it’s a dup thread…

I am looking for “female” doctor in my area. (My mom keeps badgering me to go because I’m over 18 and have never been.) Is there a website that I can go to find a Catholic doctor? I don’t want to go to just any old doctor who will try to stuff birth control pills down my throat. Any help would be appreciated. I live in the DC metro area, so I’m pretty flexible.
Don’t worry about doctors trying to stuff birth control pill down your throat. I have had a lot of doctors (because I have moved a lot or changed health insurance) and I have never felt a doctor was pushing birth control. Doctors are very sensitive to such issues. Certainly, should it happen, use it as an opportunity to “witness” to your beliefs.
The Catholic Medical Association used to publish a list of doctors who practiced accoding to Catholic principles (pro life, no ABCs etc) but they don’t have the list on line anymore. You could call them and ask for a referral, though. Here is the website. cathmed

Another source is the American Association of Pro Life Obstetrticans and Gynocologists. They aren’t all Catholic but they would be (theoretically) more inclined to respect your “no birth control” wishes. They have an online search for doctors in your area. AAPLOG

Since you are younger, it is a good idea to start out with a good Catholic or Catholic-friendly OB/GYN. A lot of doctors start with the premise that you are sexually active and need to be on birth control. They won’t litterally force you but they will try to belittle your beliefs or try to make you feel uninformed or stupid for not wanting all that “modern” medicine. They also use birth control pills as a first choice whenever a problem presents itself (like irregular cycles or homonal imbalances) while a doctor who doesn’t regularly prescribe BCPs is less likely to do that. I moved quite a bit and have had dozens of OB/GYNs. I only had two that didn’t automatically try to get me on the pill. One was a referral from the local Pro Life group and the other one just told me to get pregnant (I wasn’t married. :mad: ) to solve my cycle problems.

After 20+ years in the GYN wars, we “older” gals have tougher skins and tend to be generally more assertive with our health care providers. Since this is your first GYN doc, you shouldn’t have to fight that battle yet.
Verbum Caro said:
:o Um, Stratus, that kind of hurts my masculine self-esteem.

Mr. Verbum Caro.

Whoa! Sorry! Thanks a lot to you, manly man! 😉
I ran a search on this, so I apologize if it’s a dup thread…

I am looking for “female” doctor in my area.
Oh! You mean a Gynecologist – when I saw “female” in quote marks I was picturing someone of dubious gender identity & wondered why you would want a Dr. like that.
(My mom keeps badgering me to go because I’m over 18 and have never been.)
Never been seen? Does that mean you’re invisible? Sorry my brain is in literal mode this evening. 😃

I see the good ladies here have actually given you some useful answers so I’ll butt out. 👋
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