Carried from another thread…
What can we do, as individuals, to get our fellow Catholics to read the Bible?
What can we do, as individuals, to get our fellow Catholics to read the Bible?
The process is called enculturation: changing a culture. To do this, you start by changing the values of the culture. The culture itself exists only in the discourse between individuals, and so you introduce into that discourse validations of the new value which you want the culture to adopt.What can we do, as individuals, to get our fellow Catholics to read the Bible?
The assiduous study of Holy Scripture, accompanied by prayer, initiates that intimate exchange in which, reading, we listen to God Who speaks and, praying, we reply to him with faithful openness of heart. If effectively promoted, this practice will, I am convinced, bring a new spiritual springtime. As a fixed point in biblical pastoral activity, ‘Lectio divina’ should, then, be further encouraged, also by the use of new methods, carefully studied and in keeping with the times."
There is no question that we Catholics are *exposed * to a large amount of Scripture. I was referring to a more systematic study where one gets familiar with the layout, how to look things up, the general flow of events, and perhaps engaging in a personal or facilitated group study to draw out the implications of certain texts, like the Sunday readings.Lots of Catholics DO read the Scriptures. They also read the Catechism. They read works of St. Teresa, they read the Church Fathers. They read the pillars and tracts and these forums, and those on other Catholic sites as well. They read well known prayers and devotions. They sing sacred songs.
I singled out Catholics because I’m a Catholic, this is a Catholic forum, and, arguably, Catholics are not generally known for their dedication to Scripture reading. Thus the specific thrust of this thread. I’ll let the JW’s and LDS take care of themselves.Rather than being so (excuse the term) parochial, as though Catholics, and only Catholics, have somehow more of a need to read the Bible than any other Christian group (um, are we going to get the Mormans and the Jehovah Witnesses to read the Scriptures too?),
Which includes reading the Scriptures. It doesn’t have to be a broad and vague approach, and it doesn’t have to be either/or.why not ask how to get more PEOPLE to LEARN THEIR FAITH–and that means ALL their faith.
No argument there. No one would like to see this approach to the Scriptures more than me. The question at hand is how we can do it better.Naturally the Bible is far MORE than even a classic book like the Joy, but even so, it cannot be used, as so many who clamor “READ THE BIBLE”, as some sort of catch-all Do It Yourself Guide. You HAVE to have the guidance of the Holy Spirit–you have to have the teachings of the Magesterium, you have to have a lot of solid foundation of faith teaching, INCLUDING the scriptures, before you just try to “coast along” and “read the Bible”.
I don’t remember anyone implying that there wasn’t, but for the record, again, I agree. On the other hand, I think it’s more helpful on this particular issue to think about what we CAN do better, rather than what can, or is, being done badly. Thanks for your comments.There is a lot more to reading any book, but especially the Bible, than just sitting down, starting at the beginning of a chapter, and stopping at the end.
That was an awesome quote! Where can I find the complete text of the address?An appropriate quote from Pope Benedict XVI at his audience just yesterday: