How to get right with God NOW?

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Hello everyone, I am a Protestant who wants to convert to Catholicism. After reading about the Church’s founding, I am convinced that Catholicism is the one true religion and that I need the sacraments to be saved. However, at this point in time the corona virus makes it impossible for me to enter the church, or visit a priest. My question is, what can I do to get right with God now? I know I am in a sinner, and in a state of mortal sin. I am afraid what would happen if I died at this moment. Please help me.
Thank you. So people who are not yet confirmed can do perfect contrition as well?
I want to join the church as well. I was baptized Catholic but a few years later I converted to Lutheran. Both churches have had their pluses and minuses for me.

Best thing about Catholic is communion and how holy everything feels. Worst part for me is confession, not believing that there’s venial and mortal sin, etc. I think it’s something I can get past.

I’ll do the perfect act of contrition as well until I can leave Lutheranism.
Nothing new to add (the act of perfect contrition is what I was going to say as well!) & of course you can read things like the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the meantime to grow in knowledge and pray the rosary and such… but I just want to say “welcome!” and I’ll be praying for you both!
Just go to a Catholic church and find a priest and ask him these questions.
Dont worry, pray to God and ask for forgiveness, He knows you are sorry for your sins, but say it to Him that you will never sin again and as soon as you can, you will get a confession , repent, pray and know that God loves you and you conversion is a reason to celebrate both in earth and in heaven.

You wont go to hell if you really regret your sins
Curious where you are that has no confession and no priest available? At least in my area confessions have been going on this whole time, and priests readily available for personal consultation. Please check local parishes and make an appointment with a priest. He can map out for you the steps to RCIA and conversion.
I’m in the same situation. I was hoping to enter the Church this past Easter, but circumstances didn’t allow it. 😒

While waiting for RCIA to (hopefully) start this autumn, I’ve been reading the catechism and the daily liturgical readings.

As others have stated, God knows our hearts and intentions.
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