How to heal autogynephilia in ours secular societies?

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my request is simple,I don’t know where I must put it on the catholic forum. I’m seeking about methods, training, piece of advice and specific prayers about a dysphoric gender problem for a single thirty seven year old man. I don’t want analysing catholic speech about this subject. I know it and I want the will of our Lord absolutely. I have a huge and awfull problem. I need a practical solution in accordance with our mother the catholic church.

If you are thinking I need a huge kick on my back, please give it, but help me. With your prayers for me and the others in similar case.

my request is simple,I don’t know where I must put it on the catholic forum. I’m seeking about methods, training, piece of advice and specific prayers about a dysphoric gender problem for a single thirty seven year old man. I don’t want analysing catholic speech about this subject. I know it and I want the will of our Lord absolutely. I have a huge and awfull problem. I need a practical solution in accordance with our mother the catholic church.

If you are thinking I need a huge kick on my back, please give it, but help me. With your prayers for me and the others in similar case.

It is against forum rules to seek medical advice here.
FS, I was about to post a longer comment, but Corki is correct. Offering medical advice is forbidden here at CAF.

Perhaps the best thing you could do is consult with a psychologist. I am not sure of the situation in Europe, but here in the US, some therapists are willing to offer counseling by phone, after an initial meeting.
I’m afraid about psychologists, because they can give waky piece of advice. In my country hatred to catholics, ignorance of catholicism,atheism and agnosticism are so common.
how to select good psychologists ?

I don’t like go to the arena without any knowledge about catholics friendly therapies or counselling.

And, I would like to know, specific prayers, or catholics groups on the internet, about it.
Authogynephilia is an inaccurate and repulsive word for “gender dysphoria”.
Authogynephilia is an inaccurate and repulsive word for “gender dysphoria”.
I think the topic of autogynephilia is obscure, perhaps too obscure even for CAF. :o

My sense (it just an impression, I haven’t studied the issue) is that it may be useful in understanding the motivation behind crossdressing. Thus it may be a useful theory if a crossdresser is seeking therapy to stop the behavior or impulse.

However, a controversial use of the theory is to apply it to transsexuals. I think such use is erroneous, and is out of the mainstream of psychological and medical thinking.
thanks for this site address !

My main goal in this thread is to collect indications about therapies and catholic praticians. because I don’t want to consult therapist for my entire life ! and with non-catholic compatible presupositions. the more you are independant the better you live.

I don’t search any kind of controvertial purpose on this term but I haven’t got another word to describe it. Transexuality is complex too. the term of autogynephilia coined by professor Blanchard, is label for me.
sometimes autogynephilia is symptom of transsexuality ? I wouldn’t like to have this configuration.

I understand not very well, transsexuality. it is difficult to think. I wish specific and public statemment from the catholic church, but now The Church have reasons to be prudent. My view is we don’t have clear vision about it, because it’s an inner feeling firstly.
science seek objectivity, and this problem interact with subjectivity.that implies the person can misinterpret her feelings with sincerity.

In this matter we have technicals applications, but I don’t know scientific theory about it. Brain plasticity occur before, pending and after any kind of care. And “before” incompass several events in life, that including reflexive choices.(real questionning is how and if that implies totaly or not psychological and brain sexs) this subject is on boundaries between medecine, personal autonomy, psychology, and spiritual life.
it’s difficult to judge this situation also it’snt my goal to judge a gender dysphoric person here.
It would be interesting to confront pro arguments and clues indices with against arguments and clues indices.
The Church have no clear speech about transsexuals, probably because science have no clear speech too. lot of people have this syndrom and several social problems because sexuality is more than genitality, sexuality is social too.
the social aspect interact with political aspect by necessity also the Church must protect familial equilibrium, straight sexual identity, and its social doctrine, by respect to natural law, to natural jus, and the revelation. In this obligation, gender theory isn’t good doctrine.
scientificaly too. gender theory is a deconstructing of gender perception. in my country we have several established feminist thinkers or not which claim that masculinity and feminity, manhood and womanhood are purely social and behaviourial built. the first presupossing is there is no human nature, no evidences of any kind: it’s a pure idealism (only representations are real and thinkable and manageable))
that implies you can construct your personality entirely by choices and conformation to the social pressures. (as in socialism)

If transexuality is real, transsexuals have no real interests to sustain LBTG organisations. if they really have a misbuilding between their sexual, psychological identity and their physical, physiological sides, also their core gender is stable.
and homosexuality is different no materialiter but formaliter.
(but we must define precisely core-gender here, and we haven’t got any serious hypothesis and overall no scientific theory. Sexual behaviours are built entirely by parental impregnation ? its equate to sexual identity ? there is an organic ground for sexual identity ? and over all science is made by consensus or by respect of external reality [there is an epistemological question too !] ).

The Church can’t approve transsexual marriage or orders, for several reasons. In its battle for moral and truth, the main actualy, is moral, social and politic. Accepting that is counteracting its mission about the truth of the human nature and the supernatural life who implies respect to the human nature (in heaven we aren’t angels, but real humans with glorified bodies). transsexual subjects are used by enemies as troyan horses.

if transsexual have intellectual and moral probity, its rude, but it isn’t by the Church. the confusing come from directly to homosexual propagandists and from schools of thinking ( think tanks and sects) that so weirdly imagine reality is only ingeneering and life manageable material.
…“to sustain” I wish to mean “endorse”. and “rude” as “rude shock”.
I don’t search any kind of controvertial purpose on this term but I haven’t got another word to describe it. Transexuality is complex too. the term of autogynephilia coined by professor Blanchard, is label for me.

the confusing come from directly to homosexual propagandists and from schools of thinking.
First of all, every single one of Ray Blanchards theories have been disproven by the scientific community. Please do not base your opinions on such immensely incorrect theories.

Second, nothing about a true transsexual is based on homosexual propaganda.

Third, education seeks knowledge and truth, nothing more, nothing less.
First of all, every single one of Ray Blanchards theories have been disproven by the scientific community. Please do not base your opinions on such immensely incorrect theories.

Second, nothing about a true transsexual is based on homosexual propaganda.

Third, education seeks knowledge and truth, nothing more, nothing less.
Please be aware that there is a strong political component in the US with regards to these topics, and so one must really do the research on one’s own rather than depending on the statements of possibly biased people regarding the state of scientific research. This holds true in all too many scientific topics, unfortunately.
The homosexual movements have incompass transsexual things, transgender topics. In my country the same associations control all of it and they are gender theory propagandists.

Transsexuality is a huge questionning. A true transsexual person perhaps is different from homosexual person, but if she want endorsing gender theory, she promote lot of things that counteract her own goals. Gender, psychological sex aren’t arbitraries, in straight man or woman, and perhaps in true transsexual person. Only some homosexuals and some transgenderists have an absolute need to claim gender is artificial constructing thing. only them with sects and think tanks that want to manage life, poeples and spiritual elevation as material things (by profit,love of power, war spirit, pure vain-glory or malicious will.)

Sure, people have need to respect all persons, in my viewing, this job is in according to the goal of the moral teaching of the Church that fight against hypocrisy, even in compliant lectures and acts about personal morality in front of Jesus teaching. transsexuality is perhaps a partial natural defect, lot of them are disgusting by this kind of things(spina bifida,mongolism, etc.) inside the general population because it’s hurting natural and non-reflexive perceptions.
It’s probably more complex than educate the mass. This need instruction and firstly Charity. Only the Church have the truth on Charity.
interresting information for people who struggle a lot about these kind of subject.
I have found it on catholic friendly european website.

Saint Sergius and Bacche are saint patrons of those who truggle with transsexuals and disphoric sexual identity. their festival is 7 october. they was roman officier in Syria and consellors of Maximilian imperator.
during persecution against christian faith they had refused to participate in pagan sacrifice. thus, they had been cross-dressed in women garments, mock by people accross all the city, and ferociously killed by slashing lash. they was martyrs of the faith in 303 A.D.

their intercession is particularly adaptated for all of those who are teased or bashed about their struggling problem. they are dead for the sake of Charity, supernatural love.Nobody can persecute another people by make-up of the reality of this neighbour, by Charity. Saint sergius and bacche was slashed and bashed with deniying of their human status and sexual reality.

often I read people who hate catholics because they defend traditional and universal moral basements. sometimes I read some people who are loathing transsexuals and crossdressers because they imagine that in all case, is personnal choice right away.
all they forgot the first necessity. straight judgement implies Charity. Perhaps is personnal choice only, but we can’t conclude on feelings solely.

Saint Sergius and bacche are murdered for the love of God, first and over all, for Charity. Understanding reality and people is possible on condition that we are capable of the same testimony for.
Authogynephilia is an inaccurate and repulsive word for “gender dysphoria”.
See .Autogynephilia in women. Moser C. J Homosex. 2009;56(5):539-47
Autogynephilia, an erotic interest in the thought or image of oneself as a woman, has been described as a sexual interest of some male-to-female transsexuals (MTFs); the term has not been applied to natal women. To test the possibility that natal women also experience autogynephilia, an Autogynephilia Scale for Women (ASW) was created from items used to categorize MTFs as autogynephilic in other studies. A questionnaire that included the ASW was distributed to a sample of 51 professional women employed at an urban hospital; 29 completed questionnaires were returned for analysis. By the common definition of ever having erotic arousal to the thought or image of oneself as a woman, 93% of the respondents would be classified as autogynephilic. Using a more rigorous definition of “frequent” arousal to multiple items, 28% would be classified as autogynephilic. The implications of these findings are discussed concerning the sexuality of women and the meaning of autogynephilia for MTFs.
In other words Blanchards thory is totally discredited as it relies on the assumption that “Autogynephilia” is not present in women only in disordered men with misdirected sexual targeting.

A Church-approved and properly scientific treatment is of course exorcism by a properly qualified and ordained Exorcist with Bell, Book and Candle. This is the scientific approach rather than the mumbo-jumbo of Blanchard Bailey Lawrence and the medically and theologically untrained “psychologist” clique at NW University.

Gender identity change in a transsexual: an exorcism. Barlow DH, Abel GG, Blanchard EB. Arch Sex Behav. 1977 Sep;6(5):387-95.
Gender identity change in a conservatively diagnosed 21-year-old transexual after faith healing was fortuitously observed, was objectively and independently measured, and is reported. This case, and other recent developments, suggests a reexamination of the possibilities of psychosocial intervention to modify atypical gender identity.
A Church-approved and properly scientific treatment is of course exorcism by a properly qualified and ordained Exorcist with Bell, Book and Candle. This is the scientific approach rather than the mumbo-jumbo of Blanchard Bailey Lawrence and the medically and theologically untrained “psychologist” clique at NW University.

Gender identity change in a transsexual: an exorcism. Barlow DH, Abel GG, Blanchard EB. Arch Sex Behav. 1977 Sep;6(5):387-95.
The article is not about a Catholic exorcism. … It was conducted by some fundamentalist Protestant group.
The physician shared with the owner of the restaurant a fundamental Protestant religion quite foreign to John, who had been brought up as a Baptist but was not religious. The physician administered a total physical exam and said that he could live quite well as a woman, but the real problem was possession by evil spirits. After some discussion of this, John reported a session which lasted 2-3 hr and involved exhortations and prayers over John by the physician and laying on a hands on John’s head and shoulders. During this period, John reported fainting several times and arising to the continuing of the prayers and exhortations, resulting in the exorcism of 22 evil spirits which the physician called by name as they left his body. During and after this session John felt waves of God’s love coming over him but was physically drained. A letter to us, from the physician, confirmed this basic process. The physician noted in his letter that he showed John that his life was a fake and that Jesus could redeem him and that a standard prescription of Scripture readings caused the spirit of the woman in John to disappear

Why do you think the Catholic Church views exorcism as an appropriate treatment for transsexualism? Or for autogynephilia? :confused:
I’ve never heard of this before, though I am aware of the term gender dysphoria. Whatever treatment is considered, exorcism is absolutely NOT indicated.

Exorcism is a very serious ritual only undertaken when there is serious evidence of a demonic entity present. This entails not only usually an aversion to sacred things, but abilities beyond normal human powers and the appearance of another personality. All psychological or medical factors must first be ruled out.
Here goes.
The issue here seems to be some variation of the wrong sex, in your body. I will use no technical terms, if possible. Women in men’s bodies is one form of this. Men in women’s bodies is another form of this.
I offer you this. I had this. It is essentially gone. The maintenance for this is the realization of where it came from. That was from not wanting to be like my dad at an age of less than three years old.
The decision, was a child’s decision. It is so far in my youth that it was almost impossible to reach that memory. Yes, constant fighting with this helped. Yes, God most certainly helped when there was nothing left. I am 63. This happened, the knowlege, when I was 61 or so. The maintenance is all that is left.

Thanks a lot for your testimony Curtis.

You said “essentially”, do you mean absolutely ? sometimes I have believed that it was finished, and no ! my most ancient datable memory of my own life is around three year old and a half. I would like to have your certitude. I don’t want to search harshly remembrance of such a childish decision because we can construct false remembrance by obsession sometimes. on the other hand, disapearing of your struggle say that you have stroke the point.

Fighting this awful problem is tiring and nervously huge harassing. nor obssessing remembering, nor suggestive-relaxing too.
So praying our Lord and saints and cool straightforwardness to oneself.
Thanks a lot for your testimony, Curtish1947.

This problem may be a profund childish will problem… If you have some pieces of advices about your anamnesis method, I would like to have it.

You have find an absolute healing ! great !

I continue to pray saints Sergius and Bacche for their intercession toward God. I would like to have a final point with it too.

about Autogynephilia in women. Moser C. J Homosex. 2009;56(5):539-47.
I had read it. It’s amazing, but I find that patterns of people involved in, are smaller. it have really scientific proof in it ? dubious methodology ?
I have mailed you a private email on calibrating your language to mine. When I do research, my emotions are put on hold. It is a standard requirement. Every statement, is reviewed by others. Every statement is calibrated for accuracy. If I can not prove a statement, it is not allowed. In the review, it is already expected that I, have tried to prove my statements wrong, by myself.

I am concerned that you continue to use terms, that others say are proven wrong, and that you have not answered their objections with proof. The result is a continually use of possibly false facts in your statements.

False facts taken as truth is one definition of circular logic, which is a method of being false, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Calibration of each word and each person by yourself ,first, is needed in all research. In my life, they, the other researchers, forced this upon me, or else I was not listened to. I am thankful to them for this work. Repeats of errors, if I persisted, would relegate me to the unemployed, the unlistened to, or to be ridiculed, accurately, for intellectual dishonesty.

Cold fusion and the resultant treatment of the authors, is an example of what happens when false facts are stated as truth and published.

Your term “Autogynephilia”, is a term you have not supported, nor proven. Further, even in casual research it appears to be false. This is your chance to not be discredited, by discontinuing what is false or unproven, or to prove the facts supporting your continued use of that word.

Lacking that, the church’s position on transexuality and homosexuality is that practicing these issues is wrong; being transexual or homosexual is not wrong. They also contend, provable, proven science (((not circular reasoning))), can and will change their views, because: True Science and God can never be in conflict.

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