thanks for this site address !
My main goal in this thread is to collect indications about therapies and catholic praticians. because I don’t want to consult therapist for my entire life ! and with non-catholic compatible presupositions. the more you are independant the better you live.
I don’t search any kind of controvertial purpose on this term but I haven’t got another word to describe it. Transexuality is complex too. the term of autogynephilia coined by professor Blanchard, is label for me.
sometimes autogynephilia is symptom of transsexuality ? I wouldn’t like to have this configuration.
I understand not very well, transsexuality. it is difficult to think. I wish specific and public statemment from the catholic church, but now The Church have reasons to be prudent. My view is we don’t have clear vision about it, because it’s an inner feeling firstly.
science seek objectivity, and this problem interact with subjectivity.that implies the person can misinterpret her feelings with sincerity.
In this matter we have technicals applications, but I don’t know scientific theory about it. Brain plasticity occur before, pending and after any kind of care. And “before” incompass several events in life, that including reflexive choices.(real questionning is how and if that implies totaly or not psychological and brain sexs) this subject is on boundaries between medecine, personal autonomy, psychology, and spiritual life.
it’s difficult to judge this situation also it’snt my goal to judge a gender dysphoric person here.
It would be interesting to confront pro arguments and clues indices with against arguments and clues indices.
The Church have no clear speech about transsexuals, probably because science have no clear speech too. lot of people have this syndrom and several social problems because sexuality is more than genitality, sexuality is social too.
the social aspect interact with political aspect by necessity also the Church must protect familial equilibrium, straight sexual identity, and its social doctrine, by respect to natural law, to natural jus, and the revelation. In this obligation, gender theory isn’t good doctrine.
scientificaly too. gender theory is a deconstructing of gender perception. in my country we have several established feminist thinkers or not which claim that masculinity and feminity, manhood and womanhood are purely social and behaviourial built. the first presupossing is there is no human nature, no evidences of any kind: it’s a pure idealism (only representations are real and thinkable and manageable))
that implies you can construct your personality entirely by choices and conformation to the social pressures. (as in socialism)
If transexuality is real, transsexuals have no real interests to sustain LBTG organisations. if they really have a misbuilding between their sexual, psychological identity and their physical, physiological sides, also their core gender is stable.
and homosexuality is different no materialiter but formaliter.
(but we must define precisely core-gender here, and we haven’t got any serious hypothesis and overall no scientific theory. Sexual behaviours are built entirely by parental impregnation ? its equate to sexual identity ? there is an organic ground for sexual identity ? and over all science is made by consensus or by respect of external reality [there is an epistemological question too !] ).
The Church can’t approve transsexual marriage or orders, for several reasons. In its battle for moral and truth, the main actualy, is moral, social and politic. Accepting that is counteracting its mission about the truth of the human nature and the supernatural life who implies respect to the human nature (in heaven we aren’t angels, but real humans with glorified bodies). transsexual subjects are used by enemies as troyan horses.
if transsexual have intellectual and moral probity, its rude, but it isn’t by the Church. the confusing come from directly to homosexual propagandists and from schools of thinking ( think tanks and sects) that so weirdly imagine reality is only ingeneering and life manageable material.