How to make a day of recollection

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I really need to know how to make a day of recollection. I asked about this on another forum and have had no reply. I really need this information. I can’t believe that there isn’t someone who knows about this.
Recollection? Do you mean reconcilliation? (penance/confession…) 🙂 Sorry, just don’t know what you mean.
Well, when my school would do days of recollection, we would generally would have group prayer of some sort, and then we would break into smaller groups and be given a topic. Then, we would have some time to collect our thoughts and maybe come up with a response. Then, we would get back into groups, and talk about it. Then, repeat for some more questions (the number varied with how much discussion was expected).

Well, through Opus Dei, we have a day of recollection each month over a Saturday evening to Sunday about 4. Saturday, we arrive and talk and watch movies… ect… and say a rosary in front of the tabernacle and go to bed. On Sunday, we have breakfast, then go to Mass. We then have a meditation given by the priest in front of the Blessed Sacrament for about 45 min. We have confession time and silent time to meditate after about Communion and about what the priest talked about. Next, we have a virtue/leadership talk given by a numerary. These incorporate ideas of how to sanctify our daily work as well as become even better and holier people. We end the recollection with lunch and usually some service acivity such as visiting a convelesant home. I hope that this account helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me!

–Laura 🙂
I thought I just posted a reply to this question. I am to old to deal with multiple threads on the same topic.
Recollection? Do you mean reconcilliation? (penance/confession…) 🙂 Sorry, just don’t know what you mean.
Ok…disregard that :o :o See, I learned something new today! 😛
Thanks guys. And puzzleannie I got your psotingl; it wasd great.
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