L. is my 17 year old grandson. He is number 5 in a family of 6 boys. He has been in Public Schools and Catholic Schools. He is intelligent but does not work and does not seem interested by anything except computers games. As a result most of the time his school results have been mediocre to poor.
My son and his eldest son have graduated from one of the best (and most expansive) Catholic School in the area. The fathers are loving and very attentive and the lay professors are on the whole very good. The program is very intensive and requires a lot of work from the students. The youngest boy of that family has been in that school for 4 years and is faring more or less satisfactorily.
After lots of pleading by my son and his wife, L. was admitted last year in that school. I believe the school tried hard to motivate him but without success. Before Easter, the parents were told that he could not stay in the school and should look elsewhere for the next year.
L. has been followed by psychologists and/or psychiatrists for a number of years both individually and in small groups, but I do not see much improvements. On their advice, L. was put last september in a special school that provides individual teaching on the various high school subjects. I am paying the horrendous fees of that school. I consider this as a last chance for the young man, but he still shows no interest in anything.
I am beginning to wonder whether it makes sense to pursue this expensive experiment. I know that there are summer camps, some of them pretty rough, whose main purpose is to help young men a sense of purpose, of motivation and I am exploring possibilities.
I would appreciate any suggestions for schools or programs for next summer or, preferably, for the whole year, were activities are designed to help participants find what could be their goal in life and to learn how to pursue that goal intelligently and with perseverance. While I would prefer a catholic approach, I am prepared to look anything that look promising even if it is expensive.
Many thanks and my prayers for anyone who tries to help me.
My son and his eldest son have graduated from one of the best (and most expansive) Catholic School in the area. The fathers are loving and very attentive and the lay professors are on the whole very good. The program is very intensive and requires a lot of work from the students. The youngest boy of that family has been in that school for 4 years and is faring more or less satisfactorily.
After lots of pleading by my son and his wife, L. was admitted last year in that school. I believe the school tried hard to motivate him but without success. Before Easter, the parents were told that he could not stay in the school and should look elsewhere for the next year.
L. has been followed by psychologists and/or psychiatrists for a number of years both individually and in small groups, but I do not see much improvements. On their advice, L. was put last september in a special school that provides individual teaching on the various high school subjects. I am paying the horrendous fees of that school. I consider this as a last chance for the young man, but he still shows no interest in anything.
I am beginning to wonder whether it makes sense to pursue this expensive experiment. I know that there are summer camps, some of them pretty rough, whose main purpose is to help young men a sense of purpose, of motivation and I am exploring possibilities.
I would appreciate any suggestions for schools or programs for next summer or, preferably, for the whole year, were activities are designed to help participants find what could be their goal in life and to learn how to pursue that goal intelligently and with perseverance. While I would prefer a catholic approach, I am prepared to look anything that look promising even if it is expensive.
Many thanks and my prayers for anyone who tries to help me.