From another thread:
**[Q] Well, I’m female and I had a problem with masturbation since my early childhood… Sometimes masturbation comes from very deeply rooted feelings way back… perhaps even a feeling of loneliness…
I struggled with this for a LONG time.
All bad habits generate such feelings of guilt (more so in a person of faith) that it becomes a vicious circle.
It’s important not to judge oneself and really understand that God forgives us, as many times as it is needed… that he loves us even when we sin… he knows we’re weak.
To let God be our judge for his justice is full of love.
MY breakthrough came from a very wise priest who told me to stop chastising myself for it but instead to start praising the Lord for the blessing of my sexuality. This WORKED. [/Q]
How does one praise the Lord for their sexuality? I had a priest tell me the same thing, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to help anything.
**[Q] Well, I’m female and I had a problem with masturbation since my early childhood… Sometimes masturbation comes from very deeply rooted feelings way back… perhaps even a feeling of loneliness…
I struggled with this for a LONG time.
All bad habits generate such feelings of guilt (more so in a person of faith) that it becomes a vicious circle.
It’s important not to judge oneself and really understand that God forgives us, as many times as it is needed… that he loves us even when we sin… he knows we’re weak.
To let God be our judge for his justice is full of love.
MY breakthrough came from a very wise priest who told me to stop chastising myself for it but instead to start praising the Lord for the blessing of my sexuality. This WORKED. [/Q]
How does one praise the Lord for their sexuality? I had a priest tell me the same thing, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to help anything.