I’ve been trying to conquer this obsessive question in my head that wonders if our logic is false and there is a “higher logic” out there that contradicts everything our normal logic concludes.
I’m not talking about God in the “God’s ways are not our ways” type of argument. I’m talking about just a secret, occultic knowledge, that supersedes everything we think to be true in the laws of logic.
For example, the laws of logic like causation, non-contradiction, first cause, etc. is irrefutable with our normal logic, but maybe there is a “higher logic” where things like causation, non-contradiction, first cause, ect. ARE FALSE, we are just too “ignorant” of this higher logic, thus our normal logical conclusions are erroneous.
So basically the sum of my question is how can we trust that our logic is a true reflection of reality and there isn’t some mysterious occultic logic that supersedes it and exposes it as false?
I’m not talking about God in the “God’s ways are not our ways” type of argument. I’m talking about just a secret, occultic knowledge, that supersedes everything we think to be true in the laws of logic.
For example, the laws of logic like causation, non-contradiction, first cause, etc. is irrefutable with our normal logic, but maybe there is a “higher logic” where things like causation, non-contradiction, first cause, ect. ARE FALSE, we are just too “ignorant” of this higher logic, thus our normal logical conclusions are erroneous.
So basically the sum of my question is how can we trust that our logic is a true reflection of reality and there isn’t some mysterious occultic logic that supersedes it and exposes it as false?