I would like to learn more about how parishes which are serious about Mystagogy (the fourth period of the RCIA process) “sell” it to their newly-initiated.
I am not asking “What do you do during Mystagogy?” although please feel free to share what you do. I am asking “How do you persuade people to participate once they are baptized, confirmed and receive first Holy Communion?”
What do you say in your bulletins, or to the participants, or from the pulpit? Does your pastor recognize the importance of this period of RCIA? Does your RCIA team and the sponsors take it seriously? Do you educate the rest of your parish about it?
I am also wondering if research has been done on the effectiveness of Mystagogy vs. no formal Mystagogy. For example, how many Catholics who participated in formal Mystagogy still attend Mass every Sunday two years, or five years, after being initiated, vs. Catholics whose parishes didn’t offer any formal Mystagogy?
I am not asking “What do you do during Mystagogy?” although please feel free to share what you do. I am asking “How do you persuade people to participate once they are baptized, confirmed and receive first Holy Communion?”
What do you say in your bulletins, or to the participants, or from the pulpit? Does your pastor recognize the importance of this period of RCIA? Does your RCIA team and the sponsors take it seriously? Do you educate the rest of your parish about it?
I am also wondering if research has been done on the effectiveness of Mystagogy vs. no formal Mystagogy. For example, how many Catholics who participated in formal Mystagogy still attend Mass every Sunday two years, or five years, after being initiated, vs. Catholics whose parishes didn’t offer any formal Mystagogy?