How to solve the problem of Los Angeles Catholic apathy

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Hi, I live in Los Angeles, and I’ve gone to many of the churches in the city, and from talking to people who “know things” to my own conclusions it seems that most of the English Mass congregations are not doing very well. There are hardly any thriving young adult and youth groups. It seems like 60% of people are late to Mass and 75% of people treat the final song as if it were movie credits…meaning they leave early. Here’s my solution that I believe with all my heart and soul will solve the problem. I guess this is also for those who are dealing with the same thing in their parish.

Love One Another
Hebrews 10:24-25
“We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this is all the more as you see the day drawing near.” (I didn’t know of anything better that would fit…)

I’ve met many wonderful people in the last year because I’ve been to many different churches. I usually just go up and talk to people before or after mass. Every weekend I try and visit a different church because I’m looking for a church where I can tell myself, “I can’t wait to go to church on Sunday!” Despite the fact I’ve met some wonderful people, I haven’t met a congregation that I want to go to every Sunday—and I doubt I will. So what’s the problem? The problem is that our Church is impersonal and I no longer want it to be this way. Many people that attend Church see the same people week after week yet don’t know anyone’s name. Many people sit alone in church, not by choice but because they have no one to go with. It shouldn’t be this way because we should be doing this together. Jesus wants us to be on this journey together, but we’re not.

Now, I have an idea to make our Church less impersonal. The idea is, why not make it a point to introduce yourself and talk to someone you don’t know, before or after every mass you go to, instead of always greeting the people you do know. Or if you don’t talk to people then make it a point to start talking to people if you’re willing to. This is one simple way of how fellowship can be formed. It’ll be something random and awkward at first because who knows what you’ll say or talk about but that’s not the point. The point is to interact with our fellow brothers and sisters. This idea is an extension of how in some churches we are told at the beginning of mass to greet those around us. Why not further this greeting? Let’s extend more than our hands to one another, let’s extend our hearts.

Some things you can say are to simply compliment people on dressing in their Sunday best. Most people don’t dress up for Him anymore so if you do see someone in their Sunday best then compliment them, because by complimenting them, you encourage them to keep dressing up for Him. Compliment a parent’s child for looking “so cute in that outfit,” or whatever you can think of to say about a parent’s child. Ask people to join you for coffee or whatever snack is being served at your church. Introduce people to one another, ask people how long they’ve been attending your church. I’ve done this before Mass, where I look around for someone sitting alone and go up to them, introduce myself, and ask them if I could join them for Mass. People always respond with warmth and say, “Sure!” and then we get to talking and then we get to talking after Mass. If you see a cute boy or girl, man or woman why not do the same thing and mozy on over to them. Ya never know… You can even pawn off this idea as your own just like I came up to you and told you… As in, I have this idea to help the Church…. As long as the word is spread, that’s all that matters to me. And yes, I know you’re making yourself vulnerable by doing this, but we’re being vulnerable for Him. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

If you’re too shy to go up to someone then do it with a friend or do it with a group of friends. Just so those that may be hesitant to do this know, I’ve probably talked to over 1000 people in the last year and only a handful of people have been mean to me. People for the most part are so nice and more than willing to talk to you. It seems like people want you to talk to them. They want that fellowship.

Now here’s how the youth tie in to all this: We all know that the youth in our Church are not too keen on Jesus, so something needs to be done to change this. The building of relationships/love is how to do it. Kids must actually SEE the love we have for one another because if they don’t see this love and feel this love in our second home, the Church, then many of them are not going to want to stick around. The youth don’t understand “Church” and don’t want to so you we have to use love to get the message across. Love is the best motivator there is, therefore love is the answer. For example, if there’s no love in the home, then they’re going to be out of there as soon as they have a chance. And if there’s no love in their second home (The Church), then they’re going to be out of there as soon as they have the choice.

If we show the youth that we love each other because of Jesus and they see that we have these incredible relationships because of Him, then maybe, just maybe, they’ll think that there’s something to this Jesus fella who creates all the joy and happiness they see. You never know, they could be inspired by what they see and be “converted.” Let’s set an example and show them how to love one another. Let’s be a true family. Jesus wants us to help each other on this journey because doing it alone is just too hard. We need the support/friendship of each other to get to heaven.

(Sorry, my essay is a little long so I had to put the rest on another thread. Just check the next thread.)
Because the majority of people in the world are shy we can’t expect people to come to us for a Bible study on Wednesday night, or for any activity that’s announced for a certain day unless we go to them first. We must go to them and basically say, “This is how much love I have to offer, and this is how much love I want to give, so here, take it!” It’s just like dating, we got to show them what we got. We have to be courageous and take the initiative in bringing our family together. We must to go up to our fellow brothers and sisters because they just will not come to us. They won’t come up to us because it’s just something we don’t really do as Catholics. So, I’ve issued you a challenge and I know and believe you can do it. It takes courage and I know it will be hard for some but, AT LEAST, forward this message to people you know that will have the courage to do it.

I want our fellowship to be like my friend’s Protestant church. First off, people actually get to his church like 30 minutes early and leave 30 minutes after their service is done because they actually talk to one another and are interested in the happenings of each others lives’. As soon as I walk in his church, I feel love. People greet you left and right and genuinely take interest in you. It’s a warm and friendly environment. People sing with their soul and are rejoicing in the Lord. They do this because of the friendships they’ve formed which in turn make people feel comfortable and less insecure about singing, so they can be themselves because they know they won’t be judged. People are friends in his church. They study the Bible with each other and talk to each other outside of church. I’ve never recommended his church to anyone but if I was apart of his church, I definitely would invite people to go, and I definitely see why they are always asking people to attend their church and why people keep going back. It’s an incredible environment BECAUSE of their relationships with one another. Does this all not make sense?

I’ve talked to many people and I’ve heard many stories of people looking for a faith, or a church, and coming to a Catholic Church and not feeling love, so then they go a non-Catholic church that shows them love and they want to continue going to that church because of the love they feel from the people.

Basically, I know that if we do this it would change our Church. We would thrive with more and more people joining the Church. We would have thriving youth and adult ministries. We can do this! Also do this for people that have one foot in the Church that don’t take their faith seriously. Let’s get both feet in. Many people are only giving us an hour each week to infect their lives, so let’s infect them!

Thanks for reading.

May God Bless You


People not part of a group that see love in that group want to join the group and partake in the love.

When’s the last time you heard someone say I love you to someone on their way out of church? Shouldn’t we constantly be hearing these words when people are leaving their second home? Shouldn’t kids be hearing the words “I love you,” in church, of all places? LET”S LOVE PEOPLE!!!

Come every Sunday, I want us to rejoice in the Lord as a true family.
True- it dosn’t mattr how good your dogma is; if you don’t have love, you don’t have God. Our Church needs to decide where it spends its’ attention and resources to rebuild after the scandals, and to invst in its’ people.
The reason why people dont go to mass is they really dont get what its all about not because its not friendly. I left the church for years coz i just thought it was a boring bunch of man made posturings and words. Its only when i started studying Christianity in an attempt to justify my position (against it) that i dicovered the richness and historical context to the mass. That changed things for me.

I think your approach of making contact with people is spot on but i think whats also required is an adult education strategy that fully gives people insights into the church and why it is the pillar and bulwark of the truth.
I do believe that it all should start with ourselves. If we try to be the best Roman Catholic and live our Faith everyday, I do not see why we can not obtain the graces that God is giving us. Often times we see the external things that are happening around us that make us frustrated or downright discouraged to live our spiritual life to the fullest. I think we just need to focus our energy into our personal life to think about those things that should strengthen our Faith and show it as an example to our neighbor, then I believe we can not only live our Faith everyday but show other people how it is being done.
A good example in LA, traffic congestion is well known fact that you stay in your car for so long a commute that you can for example say the rosary to and from work. It will only take you twenty minutes to say one mystery. If you do that everyday you can have the entire commute an opportunity to commune with God.
Hi, I live in Los Angeles, and I’ve gone to many of the churches in the city, and from talking to people who “know things” to my own conclusions it seems that most of the English Mass congregations are not doing very well. There are hardly any thriving young adult and youth groups. It seems like 60% of people are late to Mass and 75% of people treat the final song as if it were movie credits…meaning they leave early. ssay is a little long so I had to put the rest on another thread.
Thank you for your thoughts. I liked your last sentence there - “75% of people treat the final song as if it were movie credits…” Well, it’s Hollywood, isn’t it? 😉

California, particularly southern California, is a unique place as far as religious sects are concerned. There has been much influence from the East, and even protestant denominations don’t do very well. There are numerous New Age centers and sects, self-fulfillment movements - you name it, it’s there. It’s a wonder that so many even attend Mass. I can’t answer for them. Be thankful that they go and find a place for the Lord in their hearts, even if it isn’t what you think it should be.

There has to be a total overhaul of values in one’s life before the Holy Spirit can enter and change hearts. I don’t know what could cause this, but the problem isn’t just the Church in Los Angeles. It’s everywhere in the West. Just pray for God’s Mercy.
To a certain extent I agree with you. As Catholics, we do need to be warm and welcoming to one another. Having others to share our faith with on our spiritual journey is very important. However, we should be cautious in emulating our Protestant brethren too much. While we should show love to those at our church, is that ultimately what should draw people to Mass? I consider myself a friendly, warm person to people at my parish whom I don’t know. That said, I would never want them to choose to attend Mass because I made them feel welcomed. Ultimately it’s about the Eucharist. I know everyone attending doesn’t quite get it and some are looking for the warm fuzzy of a welcoming community. But as long as they are looking for that in a church, they won’t be fulfilled. Most of my friends who are non-denominational have switched churches several times or end up not going at all. They get hung up on fellowship and completely miss the heart of it, Jesus Christ. It’s difficult to feel grounded in a church when the beliefs and doctrine are at the whim of a pastor or local group. We are very blessed as Catholics to have the doctrine and the teachings of the Magisterium.

It doesn’t help the frustration you feel as you go to Mass each Sunday and see the apathy. When I see people come around the reading of the Gospel and dash out after Communion, I feel sad for them for what they are missing. I agree with others that we most focus inwardly and pray for ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ wherever they are in the journey.

In the words of St. Pio: “Pray, hope, and don’t worry! Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer. Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart."

Witness To Hope
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