How to start a bible study / meetings

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I work for a major european stock exchange and I decided to come out of the closet - as a catholic.
I feel urged to evangelize in my company and I thought of organizing some meetings. But I don’t know what should I do with the people (if any show up) there. I’m not really a good catholic, hell I’m one of the worst I know. Neither am I really educated in my faith. Never the less, I want to start a group of some kind and share my faith with my colleagues.
Do you have any practical suggestions or ideas? Prayers are dearly appreciated.
Hi! Welcome to the forums. It’s wonderfull that you want to be more active in the practice of your faith.

First, is your workplace an environment where this will be accepted? Do other religious folks do things like this? If not, you might consider whether getting more involved with your parish might be more appropriate than trying to start a faith group at work.

If there are already religious groups at work, but none focused on Catholic spirituality, my first thought is that you might want to try some kind of prayer group that would be Catholic focused. . .maybe a group that prays the Rosary together once a month, or something like that. Or, with Lent coming up, you may want to reflect weekly on one or more of the stations of the cross.
Those are just two idea, I’m sure there are lots of other possibilities too.

Good luck!
The laws here in the US keep most businesses from permitting groups like this at work - reason is, if you let one group have a meeting, you have to let EVERY group have a meeting, and pretty soon no business is being conducted.

If your laws permit a group, I’d suggest getting one of the Ignatius Study Bible books, begin with one of the Gospels.
If your laws permit a group, I’d suggest getting one of the Ignatius Study Bible books, begin with one of the Gospels.
I’d recommend a reading plan to educate yourself first.

Made For More by Curtis Martin
All of the Fr. Oscar Lukefahr books

Those will be great starters. The Ignatius Press Bible Studies are a great start, but before you start to build someone else up in the faith, they have to be sold out for Jesus Christ. So you may want to start with some Foundational Bible Studies. I’d recommend the ones we use at FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. Let me know if you’d like one and I can make arrangements with you to get them.

As far as starting the bible studies - start with inviting your friends at work. Invite them into your home and broach the topic with them. Help it along with keeping a bible out so they can see it.

Ask them if they’d like to meet once a week or so to discuss the bible and Jesus Christ.
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