How to start Discernment for Holy Orders

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Hey Everyone!

Something I have always had in the back of my mind was this desire to become a monk. The chance to just worship God every day and do honest work sounds like a little bit of heaven.

A while ago I had some medical issues that I have since recovered from, but while I was recovering, I would read some of the hours from the liturgy of the hours. It brought me a lot of peace.

Every so often I will find myself doing research into the monastic life and holy orders in general. I feel like I am at a point in my life where I should probably figure out if this is a good fit for all parties involved; God, myself, whatever religious community I might be joining.

How does one go about starting the discernment process?

Do I just make an appointment with one of my local priests about this and talk to him about it next?

If so, does anyone have a good idea of how to bring this up to my priest?

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Start reading the vocation’s section on Catholic answers. Start doing research on different religious orders. Start praying before the Blessed Sacrament and asking God about it. Start doing spiritual reading by the Doctor’s of the Church and reading the bible. Start attending daily mass.

I could go on and on but the above should get you started.
Maybe you should move this question over to the Vocations Section. If you ask the question there, you will get (name removed by moderator)ut from a lot of people who are also discerning religious life.
Agreed with earlier posters.

You need to speak with the order you’re interested in.

Trappists have week-ends for young men who have an interest in their order.

First week-end, you get to see inside the monastery and pray, eat and live with the monks.

If you’re still interested and they’re interested in you, you get an invite back.

This time might be for a week.

If that goes well, they’ll ask you to come for a few months as an aspirant.

From there you can seek entry as a novice.

Choose a priest that you know (even if by reputation) and ask him to be your spiritual director. He will guide you through the process.

Have you read about St. Ignatius of Loyola? His discernment reminds me of yours!
Please keep in mind that many monks (in some orders, most) are not priests, and thus are not recipients of the sacrament of holy orders. That is entirely different from taking vows. And not all who take vows are “monks”–most are not. If you are truly interested in monasticism, I would recommend starting by reading the Rule of St. Benedict.
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