Well… I did it!
I kind of did the ‘tell them the things you’re not’ thing, by trying to get them to guess what it was I wanted ‘to tell them’ (“You got a girl pregnant?!” “You’re gay?!”).
My dad eventually guessed correctly (after a bit of prompting).
And, after expressing a bit of shock, and asking me about my motivations and making sure I hadn’t been brain-washed, they told me they respected my decision, were very proud of me for making up my mind, and wanted to know when I would be received so they could come to the service!
Also turns out (I didn’t know this until they told me) that one of our neighbours is Catholic and goes to mass every Sunday, and so could drive me (we live in the middle of nowhere and I’m too young to drive).
So, thank you all for your advice and prayers!
Next thing is to tell my Godfather (evangelical protestant…
