How would you respond to the following Protestant arguments against the Catholic Church?

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I got into an argument with a Protestant friend concerning Catholic dogma. Below is a list of his arguments against Catholic teaching. How would you respond to the following Protestant statements to defend the Catholic faith?

  1. *]Praying to the Saints for intercession is unneccessary. Why do you need middlemen when you can pray directly to Jesus Himself?
    *]John 6 doesn’t literally mean eating Jesus’s flesh and blood. It only means “holy communion”.
    *]Those Marian apparitions are the work of Satan.
    *]You don’t need Mother Mary. You only need Jesus.
    *]You only have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. It’s that simple.
I got into an argument with a Protestant friend concerning Catholic dogma. Below is a list of his arguments against Catholic teaching. How would you respond to the following Protestant statements to defend the Catholic faith?

You only have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. It’s that simple.
Yes, then then you can ignore all works and do as you please. Never confess your sin and live like you want to.
I got into an argument with a Protestant friend concerning Catholic dogma. Below is a list of his arguments against Catholic teaching. How would you respond to the following Protestant statements to defend the Catholic faith?

  1. *]Praying to the Saints for intercession is unneccessary. Why do you need middlemen when you can pray directly to Jesus Himself?
    *]John 6 doesn’t literally mean eating Jesus’s flesh and blood. It only means “holy communion”.
    *]Those Marian apparitions are the work of Satan.
    *]You don’t need Mother Mary. You only need Jesus.
    *]You only have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. It’s that simple.

  1. All the answers you need are right here Tim!
I got into an argument with a Protestant friend concerning Catholic dogma. Below is a list of his arguments against Catholic teaching. How would you respond to the following Protestant statements to defend the Catholic faith?
ooh, these are fun ones. A previous poster gave links to very good answers, but Iw ant to try my hand as well.
Praying to the Saints for intercession is unneccessary. Why do you need middlemen when you can pray directly to Jesus Himself?
A very simple response would be, what’s wrong with asking for extra help? It’s not like we’re asking the saints instead or Christ; we’re asking to saints to also pray for us to Jesus.
*]John 6 doesn’t literally mean eating Jesus’s flesh and blood. It only means “holy communion”.
Then why did he not correct this “mistake” when all of the disciples were leaving? If he were being figurative, wouldn’t it have been better for him to let them all know this, rather than losing all those disciples?
*]Those Marian apparitions are the work of Satan.
This one falls to him to prove. He’s making the assertion, so he must provide the evidence. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with XD
*]You don’t need Mother Mary. You only need Jesus.
Would we have Jesus without Mary? If she is unimportant, why did Jesus honor his mother’s wishes at Cana? Why did he instruct his beloved disciple to take her into his home, or state that she was now his mother, symbolically making her the mother to teh whole of the human race? Why would we not honor the mother of the one who brought salvation to the Earth?
*]You only have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. It’s that simple.
I believe in Christ and I just killed you. Am I still going to heaven?

If you get the opportunity to talk to this person again, and they actually come up with responses, please post them. I am quite interested in the backwards logic they use to justify their viewpoint.
I would remember that your Protestant friend makes these arguments out of love (for Christ) and fear (for things that will offend Christ). The surest way to reach his heart is to assure him you love Christ above all else and THEN use the information in the links above to share with him the logic behind all of these things he’s protesting.

I think Protestants think we Catholics place Jesus lower then the Saints and then Mary. What they don’t realize is that we love Christ above all else. This is why we bend our knee to Him every single Sunday. This is why we worship and adore Him. The saints and Mary HELP us to Christ, but we do not worship them above Christ.
I know this doesn’t answer the direct questions, but this always shuts up everyone I used it on: Well, at least Catholicism is the only religion whose founder’s tomb is empty.
I got into an argument with a Protestant friend concerning Catholic dogma. Below is a list of his arguments against Catholic teaching. How would you respond to the following Protestant statements to defend the Catholic faith?

  1. *]Praying to the Saints for intercession is unneccessary. Why do you need middlemen when you can pray directly to Jesus Himself?
    *]John 6 doesn’t literally mean eating Jesus’s flesh and blood. It only means “holy communion”.
    *]Those Marian apparitions are the work of Satan.
    *]You don’t need Mother Mary. You only need Jesus.
    *]You only have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. It’s that simple.

  1. Dear Mr T.WATT If you are unsure of protestant ideas read something by established people because otherwise your only going to get only half a story and slapping yourselves on the back is not really constructive there are many denominations with a whole spread of ideas and yes even the Catholic Church has diversity in its unity and not everyone thinks for instance that its a bad thing to have married clergy for instance or Gay marriage or condoms, some think everything should be in Latin, like the early church had not already translated into at least five languages b4 the 5th century armenian georgian Greek Latin Gothic etc some people in some protestant denominations hold certain veiws which you highlight try reading Migliore or McGraff gentle intros.

  1. *]Praying to the Saints for intercession is unneccessary. Why do you need middlemen when you can pray directly to Jesus Himself?
    *]John 6 doesn’t literally mean eating Jesus’s flesh and blood. It only means “holy communion”.
    *]Those Marian apparitions are the work of Satan.
    *]You don’t need Mother Mary. You only need Jesus.
    *]You only have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. It’s that simple.
    1. Because such is God’s will. If they had not removed books from the Scriptures, they’d also be praying to the saints based on sola scriptura. Also, they do not accept the ancient doctrine of the communion of saints showing the unity between us (church militant), the souls in purgatory (church penitent), and the saints (church triumphant), and the mutual intercession. Thus, how could they possibly understand us?
    2. Remind him of the words of Martin Luther:
    Who, but the devil, has granted such license of wresting the words of the holy Scripture? Who ever read in the Scriptures, that my body is the same as the sign of my body? or, that is is the same as it signifies? What language in the world ever spoke so? It is only then the devil, that imposes upon us by these fanatical men. Not one of the Fathers of the Church, though so numerous, ever spoke as the Sacramentarians: not one of them ever said, It is only bread and wine; or, the body and blood of Christ is not there present.
    Surely, it is not credible, nor possible, since they often speak, and repeat their sentiments, that they should never (if they thought so) not so much as once, say, or let slip these words: It is bread only; or the body of Christ is not there, especially it being of great importance, that men should not be deceived. Certainly, in so many Fathers, and in so many writings, the negative might at least be found in one of them, had they thought the body and blood of Christ were not really present: but they are all of them unanimous.”
    1. The pharisees said the same of the healings performed by Christ. The apparitions of Fatima and Lourdes have changed the world for better and brought countless souls to pray with great fervor to God for the conversion of sinners and for world peace. Also, countless people with terrible illnesses have been cured, healed by the power of God. I don’t think Satan likes that. Does he?
    2. He should tell that to God. He is the one who chose Mary to bring Jesus to men and to bring men to Jesus. He could read Treatise on the true devotion by Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort, but few are open-minded enough to read the writings of Sacred Tradition in order to understand what the Church does. Most simply refuse to read them 🤷 He is right only to the extent that God does not need any creatures. By the same extent, we did not need Noah, Abraham, David, Moses…God did not need Peter and Paul, or the 12…God chose certain creatures for a certain purpose…Christ did not “need” to come in the flesh, nor did he “need” to suffer an agonizing Passion…God chose to do things in a certain way because He is infinitely and perfectly wise, but above all else He places His mercy above His justice, and only by doing things in a certain way this can be done.
    3. “Even the demons believe, and they tremble”. Words of St. Paul. “Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom, but only those who do the will of my Father”. Words of Christ. “Do you want evidence that faith without works is dead? Show me your faith without works, and from my works I will show you my faith”. Words of St. James. Yes, we are justified by Christ and saved by His merits, however that does not mean that there’s nothing else to do…of course, when you talk to someone who ignores the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Orders, hardly can he understand this. There is something special about our works, and something special about sanctifying grace. When we commit a sin that is mortal, that is, a grave betrayal of Christ, we lose sanctifying grace just like Adam and Eve. And we’d be lost, unless Christ had merited forgiveness on the Cross for us. And, having taught us in life to ask the Father to “forgive us our sins”, after the Resurrection He went to the Apostles (and not to all the people, only to the Apostles) and to them He told: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit. Those whose sins you forgive are forgiven, those whose sins you retain are retained.”
  1. Does this Protestant ever pray for anyone else? Does the Congregation pray for it’s members? If so, why? According to them, it is not needed. That argument never fails to astound me.
  2. Look at John 6.
John 6:35,41,48,51 - Jesus says four times “I AM the bread from heaven.” It is He, Himself, the eternal bread from heaven.

John 6:23-53 - however, a symbolic interpretation is not plausible. Throughout these verses, the Greek text uses the word “phago” nine times. “Phago” literally means “to eat” or “physically consume.” Like the Protestants of our day, the disciples take issue with Jesus’ literal usage of “eat.” So Jesus does what?

John 6:54, 56, 57, 58 - He uses an even more literal verb, translated as “trogo,” which means to gnaw or chew or crunch. He increases the literalness and drives his message home. Jesus will literally give us His flesh and blood to eat. The word “trogo” is only used two other times in the New Testament (in Matt. 24:38 and John 13:18) and it always means to literally gnaw or chew meat. While “phago” might also have a spiritual application, “trogo” is never used metaphorically in Greek. So Protestants cannot find one verse in Scripture where “trogo” is used symbolically, and yet this must be their argument if they are going to deny the Catholic understanding of Jesus’ words. Moreover, the Jews already knew Jesus was speaking literally even before Jesus used the word “trogo” when they said “How can this man give us His flesh to eat?” (John 6:52).

John 6:55 - to clarify further, Jesus says “For My Flesh is food indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed.” This phrase can only be understood as being responsive to those who do not believe that Jesus’ flesh is food indeed, and His blood is drink indeed. Further, Jesus uses the word which is translated as “sarx.” “Sarx” means flesh (not “soma” which means body). See, for example, John 1:13,14; 3:6; 8:15; 17:2; Matt. 16:17; 19:5; 24:22; 26:41; Mark 10:8; 13:20; 14:38; and Luke 3:6; 24:39 which provides other examples in Scripture where “sarx” means flesh. It is always literal.

John 6:55 - further, the phrases “real” food and “real” drink use the word “alethes.” “Alethes” means “really” or “truly,” and would only be used if there were doubts concerning the reality of Jesus’ flesh and blood as being food and drink. Thus, Jesus is emphasizing the miracle of His body and blood being actual food and drink.

John 6:60 - as are many anti-Catholics today, Jesus’ disciples are scandalized by these words. They even ask, “Who can ‘listen’ to it (much less understand it)?” To the unillumined mind, it seems grotesque.

John 6:61-63 - Jesus acknowledges their disgust. Jesus’ use of the phrase “the spirit gives life” means the disciples need supernatural faith, not logic, to understand His words.

John 3:6 - Jesus often used the comparison of “spirit versus flesh” to teach about the necessity of possessing supernatural faith versus a natural understanding. In Mark 14:38 Jesus also uses the “spirit/flesh” comparison. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We must go beyond the natural to understand the supernatural. In 1 Cor. 2:14,3:3; Rom 8:5; and Gal. 5:17, Paul also uses the “spirit/flesh” comparison to teach that unspiritual people are not receiving the gift of faith. They are still “in the flesh.”

John 6:63 - Protestants often argue that Jesus’ use of the phrase “the spirit gives life” shows that Jesus was only speaking symbolically. However, Protestants must explain why there is not one place in Scripture where “spirit” means “symbolic.” As we have seen, the use of “spirit” relates to supernatural faith. What words are spirit and life? The words that we must eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood, or we have no life in us.

John 6:66-67 - many disciples leave Jesus, rejecting this literal interpretation that we must eat His flesh and drink His blood. At this point, these disciples really thought Jesus had lost His mind. If they were wrong about the literal interpretation, why wouldn’t Jesus, the Great Teacher, have corrected them? Why didn’t Jesus say, “Hey, come back here, I was only speaking symbolically!”? Because they understood correctly.

(Citations for No. 2 Copyright John Salza at
  1. Are they? And he knows this how? Did Satan tell him so? I would chalk this up to biggotry and just ignorance. The Catholic Church does a good job of investigating and debunking alot of these apparitions. I do believe some of them are real, and some are just people wanting them to be real. Is your ‘friend’ qualified to determine that they are the work of Satan? I think not.
  2. Does your friend need prayers from or for his father, mother, friends, cousins, anyone? Why does Paul state in 1 Tim 2:1-5 that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for all men? Is it possible that there can only be one Mediator, yet many intercessors (ie: subordinates)? Including Mary?
  3. Only believe in Jesus and you are saved? What about being baptized? John 3:5 “…I solemnly assure you no one can enter into God’s Kingdom without being begotten of water and Spirit.” What if I believe in Jesus, but am not begotten of water and Spirit??? Ask your friend where in the Bible it states that faith ALONE is required for salvation? How about Matt. 16:27 where Jesus says He will repay every man for what he has done? What does what a man has done matter, according to your friend? He knows better than Jesus? Hardly.
=timwatt;10041330]I got into an argument with a Protestant friend concerning Catholic dogma. Below is a list of his arguments against Catholic teaching. How would you respond to the following Protestant statements to defend the Catholic faith?
Praying to the Saints for intercession is unneccessary. Why do you need middlemen when you can pray directly to Jesus Himself?

]John 6 doesn’t literally mean eating Jesus’s flesh and blood. It only means “holy communion”
This one can’t be answered brierfly; BUT all of the following would have to be lying or not understanding what they themselves teach if your friends position were true: IT’S NOT!
IF it’s not Christ Himself: WHY then is it “HOLY?” communion" :rolleyes:

Jesus Himself **John 6: 6:51 **" I am the living bread which came down from heaven" 56-57 "For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him.

PLUS FIVE different authors of the bible:
Mt. 26: 26-28
Mk. 14: 22-24
Lk. 22: 19-21
Jn. 6:
Paul 1st. Cor. 11:23-29 ASK HIM TO EXPLAIN verses 27-29 for you:D
Those Marian apparitions are the work of Satan
So Satan finally recoverted and is now doing GOOD thinks. Healing sick people:eek:
You don’t need Mother Mary. You only need Jesus
Yep, it’s true. But because we Do have Mary, more Catholics are led to heaven. Our GAIN is their LOSS:shrug:
You only have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. It’s that simple
So once again Jesus is LYING?

Jh. 3:5 Baptism

Mt.19:17 Obedience to the Commandments

Grace in order to have Faith: Eph.2: 8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God” –

John 3: 5 AND “Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” …verses 35-36 “the Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his hand. He who believes in the Son has eternal life; he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him.



That is WHY we MUST KNOW our beliefs and how to defend and EXPLAIN THEM.

So then; can there logically be more than only God’s one faith acceptable to Him?

There is historical and biblical evidence that proves our CC dates back to the Apostles and Christ Himself. Who founded his church and when?
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