How You Can END ABORTION Right Now

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After a pause for a prayer of thanksgiving for the pro-life election results, its time for citizens to get to work to assure that we continue to protect life at all ages. As most of you are aware the appointment of judges and perhaps justices to the Supreme Court will be key to the hope of achieving a culture of life in America.

You’ve probably been receiving these action alerts from many sources as I have, but I will pass along this link from National Right to Life to assist you in contacting the Republican senators to urge them to keep Senator Arlen Specter from becoming chairman of the very important Judiciary Committee. It has all the information you need to make your voice heard.


WASHINGTON – NOVEMBER 9, 2004 – Please continue to act on our November 5 “Urgent Congressional Alert.” That alert is posted on the NRLC website here.

**Republican senators (including the seven newly elected senators) will come to Washington next week (the week of November 15) for organizational meetings. Crucial decisions are likely to be made at that time. Therefore, before that occurs, it is especially important that key members of the Republican leadership receive many more calls and e-mails urging, “Do not allow Sen. Specter to assume the chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee.” **

Senator Specter is a longtime defender of Roe v. Wade. He played a key role in defeating the nomination of Judge Robert Bork (a Roe opponent) to the Supreme Court in 1987. Last week Specter said that Roe is “inviolate.” Contrary to the impression people might receive from some news reports over the past week, Specter has NOT promised to support President Bush’s nominees to the Supreme Court. As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, he would chair the public hearings on any nominations, and would have great power to damage a nominee before sending the nomination to the full Senate.

**E-mails can be sent to the leaders, and to Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, through the NRLC Legislative Action Center, using the links below. For information on how to contact any of the seven newly elected Republican senators, see the links at the bottom of this e-mail. **

Ultimately, the power to decide who will chair the Judiciary Committee rests collectively with the 55 Republican senators, who make up the Senate Republican Conference. The NRLC Legislative Action Center also includes phone and fax numbers for all of the Republican senators, and provides webforms that make it easy for you to send e-mails to any of them. The basic message is simple: “Please OPPOSE making Arlen Specter the chairman of the Judiciary Committee.” You can draw reasons from those given in the November 5 NRLC alert.

For the leaders and committee members, phone calls can be directed to the numbers listed below. If you receive or see comments by a Republican senator on the question of the Judiciary Committee chairmanship, please forward it to us by e-mail ( or fax (202-347-3668).


Sen. Bill Frist (Tn.), majority leader. Send Sen. Frist an e-mail by clicking here, call his office at 202-224-3344, or send him a fax at 202-228-1264.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (Ky.), majority whip. Phone 202-224-2541, fax 202-224-2499. Send e-mail by clicking here.

Sen. Rick Santorum (Pa.), chairman, Senate Republican Conference. Phone 202-224-6324, fax 202-228-0604 or fax 202-228-4991. Send e-mail by clicking here.

Sen. George Allen (Va.), chairman, National Republican Senatorial Committee. Phone 202-675-6000 (NRSC), fax 202-675-6058. Send e-mail by clicking here.

Sen. Norm Coleman (Mn.), candidate to become the new chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Phone 202-224-5641, fax 202-224-1152. Send e-mail by clicking here.

Sen. Elizabeth Dole (NC), candidate to become the new chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Phone 202-224-6342, fax 202-224-1100. Send e-mail by clicking here.

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Tx.), vice-chairman, Senate Republican Conference. Phone 202-224-5922, fax 202-224-0776. Send e-mail by clicking here.

(click on the name to send e-mail)

Orrin Hatch (Utah)**, phone 202-224-5251, fax 202-224-6331
Charles Grassley (Iowa), phone 202-224-3744, fax 202-224-6020
Jon Kyl (Az.), phone 202-224-4521, fax 202-224-2207
Mike DeWine (Ohio), phone 202-224-2315, fax 202-224-6519
Jeff Sessions (Al.), phone 202-224-4124, fax 202-224-3149
Lindsey Graham (SC), 202-224-5972, fax 202-224-3808
Larry Craig (Id.), phone 202-224-2752, fax 202-228-1067
Saxby Chambliss (Ga.), phone 202-224-3521, fax 202-224-0103
John Cornyn (Tx.), phone 202-224-2934, fax 202-228-2856



Mel Martinez (Fl.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
David Vitter (La.)
Richard Burr (NC)
Tom Coburn (Ok.)
Jim DeMint (SC)
John Thune (SD)

Please take the few minutes it takes to help save the little ones. We also need to take immediate action in Illinois during the current veto session November 8 to 18. Please contact your state senators regarding the attempt to revive the Stem Cell Research Bill HB 3589. This bill has already passed in the House. It calls for human cloning, use of tissue of aborted fetuses as well as experimenting on human embryoes. Adult Stem Cell research is the only ethical research and has actually been successful. Embryonic Stem Cell research has not found one cure for any human disease and, of course, kills the donor.

The switchboard number in Springfield is 217-782-2000. Go to to find your own state senator. Under Additional Resources, click on Legislator Lookup or call Illinois Citizens for Life at 630-852-5448 for assistance. It is very important that they hear from us - even if you can count on their vote.

Also call regarding SB 2597 (formerly SB 101) regarding sexual orientation (homosexualty) and gender-related identity (transsexuality) which would receive special protected status under the Illinois civil rights code. This bill opens the door to many abuses and lawsuits.
I think you all have some very good ideas as to how to end abortion at the legislative level. However, I would like to mention that there is another level at which we can all make a difference…the personal level. It’s one thing to legislate morality…it’s another to have the populace in general embrace morality. Unfortunately, this means actually talking to real people…just like Christ did. Not necessarily mandating a code of behaviour, but teaching (and living) the reasons why this way of life-this culture of life-is better. This means talking to your children, your nieces and nephews, your neighbor. Not in a condescending manner, but in a loving one. So often we can spout morality…but how often do we as Catholics, as Christians, offer “real” help? We saw a fantastic uprising among conservative voters this last election, but how many people in the general public laugh at the idea of compassionate conservatism? I encourage everyone to contact their congressmen and congresswomen, their senators, their friends, their family, their brothers and sisters in Christ. I’d really love to see how some people have made a difference, not through a phone call or a petition, but through honest, loving, christian contact one to another. How many have made a difference in one small, insignificant, beautiful, meaningful life? More importantly…how did you do it?
I think you all have some very good ideas as to how to end abortion at the legislative level. However, I would like to mention that there is another level at which we can all make a difference…the personal level. It’s one thing to legislate morality…it’s another to have the populace in general embrace morality. Unfortunately, this means actually talking to real people…just like Christ did. Not necessarily mandating a code of behaviour, but teaching (and living) the reasons why this way of life-this culture of life-is better. This means talking to your children, your nieces and nephews, your neighbor. Not in a condescending manner, but in a loving one. So often we can spout morality…but how often do we as Catholics, as Christians, offer “real” help? We saw a fantastic uprising among conservative voters this last election, but how many people in the general public laugh at the idea of compassionate conservatism? I encourage everyone to contact their congressmen and congresswomen, their senators, their friends, their family, their brothers and sisters in Christ. I’d really love to see how some people have made a difference, not through a phone call or a petition, but through honest, loving, christian contact one to another. How many have made a difference in one small, insignificant, beautiful, meaningful life? More importantly…how did you do it?
Very nicely said. I’m non-catholic but I respect your message here immensely.
I am wondering about PLAL’s statement about the pro-life results of the Novermber election in light of the president’s appointment of Alberto Gonzales as the next U.S. Attorney General. You know justice Gonzales certainly does not have near the record against abortion as his predecessor.

I am very distressed that with a Republican in the White House, solid Republican majorities in both houses of Congress, and a very decidedly conservative Republican leaning Supreme Court - it still seems “impossible” to dismantle Roe v. Wade. I’m beginning to question whether Republicans really are in fact the “pro-life” party - or are they just conveniently pro-life when they need our votes to win an election.

More about that disgusting Roe v. Wade decision that made a woman’s “right” to an abortion - the law of the land. It was decided in 1973 under a Republican president on a 7-2 decision. Of the seven justices who affirmed Roe v. Wade, 5 were Republicans and were appointed by Republican presidents.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it. At any rate, the Judicial Committee should definitely NOT recommend approving the nomination of Alberto Gonzales. . . not with his record on abortion.
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