I sing in the choir, and I hope that helps in some way. I’m the only bass singer in the choir, so I am sure that I add something. I’m not a basso profundo, nor do I have a golden voice, but I can carry a tune. After my upcoming confirmation into the church I plan on seeking to be an emhc, and I also plan on going through the uphill battle to start some sort of community service group in my parish (feeding the hungry, fighting against abortion, etc) as there is no such group in my parish (other churches I attended called it a social justice committee, not sure what it would be in the Catholic church. ) My catechism teacher, who is also in charge of the parish secular Franciscan order, said that he will stand with me in such an effort. Also, if the church will have me despite my age and disability, I want to enter seminary to become a priest.
I wonder if it would also be possible to have some kind of welcoming committee or such which could send a follow-up card or e-mail to those who visit, and those who are members who haven’t attended in a while (just something simple to spread love, because we can’t often know if they have fallen away or simply attend mass elsewhere. ) Also maybe follow up with those who have had their confirmation to keep them informed of groups and such in the parish and elsewhere in the diocese. I have had to seek these things out for myself; such as the Knights of Columbus, bible study groups, etc. My catechism teachers have been helpful though.