Hubby asked..I didn't know the answer

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So I’m hoping someone here can help…

A gentleman that my husband works with will bless himself anytime he drops something…when DH asked him about it, he was told he did it “because of his Catholic upbringing”. So DH comes home and asked me about the ‘who, what, where’ of this custom. I had no clue, although it sounded to me like it might be something related to the Jesuits (then again, I’m probably waaay off base on this).

Sooooo…can anyone shed any light on this custom for me, so I can pass the info on to my DH. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like one of two things to me…
  1. It is cultural. Your husbands co-worker comes from a culture that practices heavy devotion. (i.e.-hispanic culture)
  2. It is a family tradition that he was taught by his parents.
  3. a combination of both.
    Great question, I wish I could offer more than just speculation!
    God Bless,
The only thing we did was if you dropped something that was blessed, you kissed it. Maybe in different cultures they do something similar?
So I’m hoping someone here can help…

A gentleman that my husband works with will bless himself anytime he drops something…when DH asked him about it, he was told he did it “because of his Catholic upbringing”. So DH comes home and asked me about the ‘who, what, where’ of this custom. I had no clue, although it sounded to me like it might be something related to the Jesuits (then again, I’m probably waaay off base on this).

Sooooo…can anyone shed any light on this custom for me, so I can pass the info on to my DH. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In many immagrant families, they brought their customs with them. European immagrant customs were also taught in the schools. My family (Irish/italian/german) had lovely traditions of using the sign of the cross for various things. The cross, is the Christian symbol of suffering and salvation, and was used as an expression of faith.

People made the sign of the cross…

When passing or entering a church

Facing imminent danger

Upon hearing bad news.

Upon finding something that was lost…I would suppose if you dropped something, it might have been considered found again.

Farmers signed themselves before beginning work in the fields in the morning and again when leaving the fields after the completion of their day’s tasks. A lovely prayer at days end as the farmers crossed themselves… **“I have done my work, O Lord; now I beseech you to do yours.” ** My dad loved that one.

When a funeral cortege passed

Whenever you pass a graveyard

When and Ambulance passed by

Whenever church bells rang

Before cutting a piece of bread from a new loaf, my German Grandma traced the cross on its underside. Because, she said it is the staff of life and the only food mentioned in the Lord’s Prayer.
Thank you all for your (name removed by moderator)ut…I did find out that his mother was protestant, but his father was Catholic…he attends Mass in the Catholic church only on Holy Days of Obligation (excluding Sundays)…most Sundays he attends the local Methodist church…go figure…

The next time I have the occassion to, I will just out and out ask Tom where/when/why he does it…especially where as he is not a fully
‘practicing’ Catholic…
Thank you all for your (name removed by moderator)ut…I did find out that his mother was protestant, but his father was Catholic…he attends Mass in the Catholic church only on Holy Days of Obligation (excluding Sundays)…most Sundays he attends the local Methodist church…go figure…

The next time I have the occassion to, I will just out and out ask Tom where/when/why he does it…especially where as he is not a fully
‘practicing’ Catholic
Yeah…it’s a custom, a tradition…we all do it but most don’t know why?

Rev.9:4…**“Locusts (scorpoins) were commanded to do harm… only the people who do not have the mark of God’s seal on their foreheads.” **

(1)…the MARK (you received as a baby) on your forehead…
(that mark you received Ash Wednesday) !

Rom.6:3…** “when we were baptized into union with Christ Jesus, we were baptized into his death.”**
As we “MARK” ourselves, and sincerely APPRECIATE our baptism into Christ’s death…we agree with God to enjoy the ride, (our Baptism), same as Noah’s family enjoyed the ride in the Ark, as the flood continued. 😃 (1Peter 3:20,21

"Whatsoever on earth two of you agree upon …it will be done for you by My Father in heaven,"

You are here on earth, God is here on earth.(in Him we live and move and have our being)…That makes (2) of us… at least !
so we qualify.

Not to mention ALL THE BENEFITS of living from and through our Baptism.

In spanish, the word for “making the sign of the cross” is;…
“PERSIGNAR”…(percy-NAR)… which means
“thoroughly sign oneself”…body, soul, and spirit…in the presence of THE LIVING GOD.

Read a few scriptures on what BAPTISM is and does for you…and next time you “SIGN YOURSELF”…
you just may go up like the spaceship Apollo ! 😃

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