Hugging The Monstrance

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Has anyone, during private Adoration, had the urge or desire to hold or hug the Monstrance just to be physically close to Jesus?

Scout :tiphat:
No, but I’ve had the urge to prostrate myself, but haven’t done it out of self-consciousness. 😦

I never have; but I once saw a young college girl in the small chapel at the nearby university lovingly touch the tabernacle for the longest time. She thought she was alone with Jesus.

I was very moved at the sight.
No, but I’ve had the urge to prostrate myself, but haven’t done it out of self-consciousness. 😦

thats so wierd. I get the same thing.
Not to hug it, but to curl up under the altar, under Jesus, and go to sleep. Safe.

I suppose if a little kid did it, it’s be really cute. I’m 17 and kneeling must suffice…
No, because I am not the hugging kind. However, the Lord granted me a similar privilege … once while receiving Communion from a friar who was Eucharistic Minister, quite an unusual accident happened. The friar, not used to people who prefer to receive on the tongue, fumbled somehow out of apparent nervousness such that the Host ended up airborne. With God’s help and fast reflexes, I was able to catch the Host and instinctively in the action of the catch, hugged Him to myself. 🙂

~~ the phoenix
No, but I’ve had the urge to prostrate myself, but haven’t done it out of self-consciousness. 😦

I just had this urge for the first time today.

After Mass ended, I went up to the altar rail where there are nice cushy green kneeling pads. I crossed my arms and just dropped my head onto my arms and thought, “Boy, would I love to just prostrate myself right now, for about a good hour”.

For the first time, I can understand why Pope John Paul II use to do so on a regular basis.
I went to many hours of adoration seeking to be alone with the lord. I always wanted to get closer to him in the eucharist. I remember the scene in the Godfather pt. II when they’re have a procession and everyone comes up and kisses the host (through the glass).

However, I’ve come to realize I enjoy hugging people more. Not that I wouldn’t want to hug Jesus. However, I transfer that love to others. It’s nice to be filled with the holy spirit and embrace somebody else with that same love. Especially with a woman. Especially when it’s not out of any lust, but out of pure love and appreciationg for them. Anybody really.
I get the feeling that I wish I could prostrate myself before the altar as well. Especially during the consecration when I feel I should be doing more than just kneeling. I mean, *Jesus *is up there!! 🙂

Sometimes after I take communion I feel so close to our Lord that I get a little teary-eyed. I can just feel my heart feeling so much love for Him. And His love for us! It’s an amazing thing.❤️
Not to hug it, but to curl up under the altar, under Jesus, and go to sleep. Safe.

I suppose if a little kid did it, it’s be really cute. I’m 17 and kneeling must suffice…
When I was little I used to have this fantasy of living in the choir loft.

I did once see a teenage boy fall asleep in the Adoration Chapel on the floor. He sprawled out beneath a statue of Mary which is on the back wall of the chapel and it faces the Monstrance. He got so comfortable, he was actually snoring. I thought it was so neat…it was like he fell asleep in his mother’s arms while his Father looked on or vice versa.
When I was little I used to have this fantasy of living in the choir loft.

I did once see a teenage boy fall asleep in the Adoration Chapel on the floor. He sprawled out beneath a statue of Mary which is on the back wall of the chapel and it faces the Monstrance. He got so comfortable, he was actually snoring. I thought it was so neat…it was like he fell asleep in his mother’s arms while his Father looked on or vice versa.
Similar here, except I would love to just set up a cot in Church sometime and just rest there. If I could just curl up on a pew it would be heavenly.
Ave Maria!

Sure I have hugged the monstrance. I am privileged to be the unworthy person to expose / repose the Blessed Sacrament at least twice a week. There are no ordained hands who wish to do this service for Our Lord. And I have weekly held the Precious Host in its luna in my hands.

And I like to spend time at the tabernacle in a Catholic Hospital and I can kiss this tabernacle and I do.

Have also been known to prostrate myself before the Blessed Sacrament. Sigh.

That’s my Jesus there! I LOVE HIM! 👍
Last year during a parish mission, the mission director processed through the aisles of our church which were lined with people, he stopped at everyone, who could choose to touch the monstrance, kiss it, kneel before it etc; However people wished to worship, he stopped. I along with many others were moved to tears during this unbelievable procession. I believe many of us were healed inside of our soul. Shortly afterwards, our parish adopted weekly adoration. I really believe many of us prayed for this action. God is indeed good, all the time!
After listening to Fr. Richard Landry, I got the urge to take off my shoes, “For you are standing on holy ground”, while in adoration. He explains that the Sisters of Mother Teresa do this when they are in the chapel. I fought off the urge for a month, worried about what other people might think, wondering if I was trying to be melodramatic or “more righteous”.

After realizing that I was worried about the wrong thing, I silently and discreetly removed my shoes. The second time I did this, I noticed upon leaving, that one of the ladies behind me had removed hers. I know her well enough to realize that she understood just why she was doing this, and I felt a great joy.

Now the shoes come off immediatly, which helps remind me of the total overpowering Love that I am in the presence of.

God Bless!

After listening to Fr. Richard Landry, I got the urge to take off my shoes, “For you are standing on holy ground”, while in adoration.
Wow! I have to share with you what happend to me! I never heard the talk you are refering to, but I had an incredable experiance in Adoration several months ago. please, no one get mad at me, I know this is a touchy subject for some ladies and I"m not judging anyone for not doing what I do.

I was in adoration and I “heard” inside my head God talking to Mosis. my eyes were closed, but I could almost feel the burning bush. He told mosis to remove his sandles, for the ground he stood upon was holy. then, it was like the same moment, but it was me and the Monstrance instead of Mosis and the bush and I heard Him say to me, “woman, cover your head, for where you stand is holy.” I started to cry and put my heands over my head. it was amaizing. I went out and got a mantia from a catholic store and it just feels so natural to wear it inside of a church. I had never worn one before, but it was just so natural like putting on myu glasses and it feels so good to cover myself infront of Jesus.

I also wanted to say something about the hugging. when I leave adoration and dip my fingers in the holy water and cross myself, I have this urge to cross myself and then blow a kiss to Jesus. I never have because I don’t want it to look sexual or be sacreligious in anyway, but I do have this desire to show Him great affection in adoration.

are we allowed to touch the monstrance during adoration? I’ve never seen anyone do it.
I may be wrong, but I thought the Monstrance must not be touched with bare hands at all - during Benediction, even the priest uses his stole when he picks up the monstrance. :confused:
I used to sing during Adoration when nobody was there to hear. I don’t think God’s as picky about screening my audience as I am.

Little Mary:
I may be wrong, but I thought the Monstrance must not be touched with bare hands at all - during Benediction, even the priest uses his stole when he picks up the monstrance. :confused:
I’ve heard similar things, but then I wondered how the craftsman makes the monstrance unless it takes on holiness after it takes shape, plus/minus a few scrapes and dents. I am weird like that, though. I once reached up and touched the edge of it, but then got all bizarre and wiped it with a linen and even said five decades – not something I usually would have done during Adoration. :whacky:

I’ve heard of people seeing visions of actual Jesus in human form in the host; I think I’ll just keep my safe two feet clearance. :whistle:

I used to sing during Adoration when nobody was there to hear. I don’t think God’s as picky about screening my audience as I am.

😃 My father, a monotone, sings right along with every hymn with this rationale: “God gave me this voice - I’m givin’ it right back to Him!” 😛
I’ve heard similar things, but then I wondered how the craftsman makes the monstrance unless it takes on holiness after it takes shape, plus/minus a few scrapes and dents.
I am assuming that it’s OK to touch it until it is blessed and made ready for its intended use.
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