If the stomach is made to digest food, the liver to pump enzymes into our digestive tracts, the pancreas to supply insulin to the bloodstream, the heart to pump blood through the body, etc etc etc -
why do our doctors and psychologists forget the fact that genitals have specific functions as well?
I ask this, because human sexuality, even in the medical field, seems to be defined not by the objective reality of things - the way nutrition and medicine are treated - but by the subjective desires, cravings, and impulses of the individual person. If a man feels like a woman, although he has a penis and testicles, doctors can be more than willing to humour him, and even remove his perfectly functioning genitals and give him unnecessary fake ones (which may or may not get more “real” as time and tech goes on).
So I ask: why, if it is bad for a man to eat too much fatty food, to smoke, to not get any exercise, to isolate himself from other people, to not get enough sleep, to be demented or mentally ill - why is it good to destroy perfectly well-functioning organs with sex changes, hysterectomies, contraception (the pill), and vasectomies?
If it is good to eat enough vegetables and fruits, to exercise 30 minutes a day, to drink 2 liters of water a day, to get a mammogram every such and such a time, to go to the dentist such and such a time, even to drink a little wine - why is it good to kill sperm, to make a woman’s body sick with too much oestrogen, to destroy a newly forming, innocent human life in the womb, and to engage in sexual contact that will produce only infections (sodomy, and sapphism)?
Why is the natural order of things good in everything except in sex?
why do our doctors and psychologists forget the fact that genitals have specific functions as well?
I ask this, because human sexuality, even in the medical field, seems to be defined not by the objective reality of things - the way nutrition and medicine are treated - but by the subjective desires, cravings, and impulses of the individual person. If a man feels like a woman, although he has a penis and testicles, doctors can be more than willing to humour him, and even remove his perfectly functioning genitals and give him unnecessary fake ones (which may or may not get more “real” as time and tech goes on).
So I ask: why, if it is bad for a man to eat too much fatty food, to smoke, to not get any exercise, to isolate himself from other people, to not get enough sleep, to be demented or mentally ill - why is it good to destroy perfectly well-functioning organs with sex changes, hysterectomies, contraception (the pill), and vasectomies?
If it is good to eat enough vegetables and fruits, to exercise 30 minutes a day, to drink 2 liters of water a day, to get a mammogram every such and such a time, to go to the dentist such and such a time, even to drink a little wine - why is it good to kill sperm, to make a woman’s body sick with too much oestrogen, to destroy a newly forming, innocent human life in the womb, and to engage in sexual contact that will produce only infections (sodomy, and sapphism)?
Why is the natural order of things good in everything except in sex?