I was wondering… why do humans pretend they will have an afterlife - hell, purgatory, heaven or whatever? Why can’t animals, plants, other life forms aspire such an afterlife? Animals, plants etc… don’t kill each other except for a biological need (food, procreation,…), not because of desire (for power, for money, for sexual relationships, etc., in one word, for possessing something). Don’t they deserve the Kingdom of Heaven much more than we humans do? I find this claim of humans far too presumptuous. We are all suffering from ancient Greek hubris, like Prometheus did.
My cat’s don’t need religion, nor morality. Let alone that life-burdening concept of ‘sin’! How happy my cats must be, purring, sleeping, eating, not burdened by ‘guilt, sin or remorse’ (just like the ancient Greeks weren’t, and how wise they were indeed!) and having sexual relations whenever Nature calls them to?
My cat’s don’t need religion, nor morality. Let alone that life-burdening concept of ‘sin’! How happy my cats must be, purring, sleeping, eating, not burdened by ‘guilt, sin or remorse’ (just like the ancient Greeks weren’t, and how wise they were indeed!) and having sexual relations whenever Nature calls them to?