Are their any young women (or men) out there that can’t get your spouses who are or are not Catholic to agree with NFP???
I’ve tried on numerous occaisons to try to explain it to my DH but I can’t get him to understand why we should be practicing it. I’ve pointed out scripture, I’ve shown him Church teachings, etc. NOTHING CONVINCES HIM!!
I want to practice it but I can’t stop him from “stopping” (hopefully you understand what I mean here) when we are being intimate. I feel like I am sinning when we are and I don’t know what to do. I just can’t make him understand. Please help!!
(BTW, he isn’t Catholic and his opinion on kids is that we’ll have one if I absolutely want to–and of course I want children!)
I’ve tried on numerous occaisons to try to explain it to my DH but I can’t get him to understand why we should be practicing it. I’ve pointed out scripture, I’ve shown him Church teachings, etc. NOTHING CONVINCES HIM!!
I want to practice it but I can’t stop him from “stopping” (hopefully you understand what I mean here) when we are being intimate. I feel like I am sinning when we are and I don’t know what to do. I just can’t make him understand. Please help!!
(BTW, he isn’t Catholic and his opinion on kids is that we’ll have one if I absolutely want to–and of course I want children!)