I’m so sorry to hear of this happening. I agree with everyone else for their advice.
I won’t/can’t go into details here-- but I found myself in a financial position much like yours — for a reason much like yours – a few years ago… so perhaps what I have to say may be helpful for you?
This feeling of guilt is natural… yet not at all appropriate. You have done NOTHING – NOTHING to cause your husband’s actions. He made those choices freely.
Please allow yourelf to forgive him. I’m passing on to you in the exact words here what my priest told me at the time. My priest said this in these exact words:
“Veronica Anne, you may not ever FEEL the feeling of forgiveness. God just wants you to WANT to forgive your husband. He’ll (God) will take it from there. Forgive yourself. You have done NOTHING wrong – there’s no excuse for what your husband did. He made that choice to act that way. God wants for you to just WANT to forgive. Now, Veronica Anne – I hope that you’ve taken steps to protect yourself financially and legally – if you have any joint accounts – close 'em and take that money and put it into an account that has JUST your name on it!”
Love that priest.
Immediately–! do as I did to protect myself financially – close out any joint accounts you have at the bank – transfer all the funds in any joint accounts you have at the bank to an account that has only your name on it.
Alcoholism was not a part of the story for me or my husband… yet I learned and benefited from Al-Anon a lonngggggg time ago when I learned/realized my steady boyfriend (years before I met my husband) was an alcoholic. You can look up in your local phone book for where Alcholics Anonymous and where Al-Anon groups are in your town. Even though it’s a small town, the culture and practice of these groups are charted to be VERY MUCH into keeping confidentiality of who their members are.
Meetings are free. Coffee and tea are sometimes available at those meetings – with a cup to take change for donations to pay for the coffee on an optional basis.
There’s Al-Anon for adults whose life is impacted by someone’s drinking – by anyone at all in their life who suffers from alcoholism.
There’s also Al-Ateen for teens whose life is impacted by someone’s drinking - by anyone at all in their life who suffers from alcoholism.
Use this page to locate a meeting that is held at a location and date/time convenient for you:
This is not a time to hole up. Going to Al-Anon and Al-Ateen will give you and your children folks to talk with who understand and know what goes on with alcoholics… and with how it is to be affected by someone’s drinking — even to the point of wha your husband chose to do.
Be kind to yourself. Be gentle with yourself. The Lord will DEFINITELY provide for you all that you need. Even though it’ll be in His time – it’s going to be at the RIGHT and the BEST time for you to receive it. He loves you too much not to provide.
You’ll be okay… it’s tough – VERY tough… I know. Believe me… I KNOW!! Yet God’s got nothing but the best for you in His plans. Trust Him. Meantime, I’m keeping you in my prayers.