Husband Out Of Work - Please pray

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My husband Dan was out of work from September until
February. We thought the new position he had gotten was an
answered prayer. After two months at the new job some new
ownership took over and they then did some corporate downsizing, and my husband is now out of work again. He
is starting to get depressed now. All I can think of is that
the Lord has some better plan for us, but in the meantime
it is pretty scary. I have an anxiety conditon too and sometimes
it flares up now. We would appreciate your prayers so much.
Thank you.
I will keep him in prayer…

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Prayers for Donna and Dan and may peace be theirs at this difficult and anxious time in their lives.

Don’t forget this situation is not of your doing. Downsizing happens frequently and Dan, even though depressed about it, should not be blaming himself at all for business decisions that are completely out of your control. Keep your confidence up.

Have faith and pray often and seek networking possibilities through your friends at church, men’s clubs, KCs, etc. Good luck and God Bless.
Thanks so much for your replies and for your prayers. So far
he has applied for some jobs but has not had a response yet.
He is currently at a networking session.
Donna I be praying continually for your husband to find work. May God bless you both.
Thank you to everyone who is still praying for us. Dan had
some interviews last week, in fact one was a second interview
and he should hear something about that one this week. This
has been a stressful time in other ways as I wound up in the
hospital earlier this month with a gall stone, my Mom is still
in constant pain after her back surgery a few months ago too.
Our son is graduating from eighth grade soon and in the fall
we will have both kids in Catholic high school, so that will
be expensive although I know well worth it for a Catholic
education. God Bless You all!
Donna prayers going out for your family, hoping your husband gets a job soon!
Praying for you and your family. I know how you feel. 4 and 1/2 years ago my husband was out of work from Oct. til March. Now, he is working in a different state than where we live. I am praying for you right now. :crossrc: :gopray2: :crossrc:
Here is a 30 day prayer:
And a 9 day novena:…ovena%20prayer

I was out of work last July-October, and again February-May. Don’t lose hope! Call on the intercession of St. Joseph.
I will remember you in my prayers today and hope things work out soon. God bless and protect you.
Holy St Joseph spouse of Mary be mindful of me, pray for me, watch over me. Guardian of the paradise of the new Adam provide for my temporal wants. Faithful guardian of the most precious of all treasures I beseech you to bring this matter to a happy end, if it be for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen

(from the 1899 Benziger prayerbook)
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