This free CD by Christopher West is excellent. I know a husband changed his mind after hearing this CD.
Marriage and the Eucharist
What Listeners Say
A priceless gift has been prepared for you by John Paul II. The pope’s biographer, George Weigel, calls the Holy Father’s gift a “theological time bomb.” It’s called the Theology of the Body.
The New Springtime
During the very first years of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II layed the foundations not just for his unique reign but for the entire New Evangelization by giving 129 Wednesday talks on what he termed “The Theology of the Body” (TOTB). TOTB is the culmination of a lifetime of holiness, love for families, brilliance, as well as his supernatural road map for bringing forth the Civilization of Love. It has effected everything he has accomplished as a man, as pope, as priest, and father of souls.
Without Parallel
And we can hardly wait for you to hear Christopher West. He is without parallel. He’s insightful, hilarious, caring, and full of infectious energy. He has taken an extremely difficult subject and “unpacked” it for us regular folks without watering down any of its mighty spiritual firepower.
Finally, marriage is the foundation for all family life, culture and civilization. The Eucharist is the most important unifying supernatural Mystery of our life as Christians. “Marriage and the Eucharist” will unlock truths about these two profound realities of Christian life (and how they are related) in fresh, exhilarating, and deeply insightful ways that will affect how you live your faith, your marriage, your life as son or daughter, and how you serve God Himself.
A tidal wave. An explosion. We think you’ll love it. your free copies online now.