I say, rather than make a bunch of suggestions, ask her/him what they really like. women usually will say it a hundred times, but men are harder to figure out. I don’t like it when people say, “don’t watch sci/fi…don’t go to a sporting game…don’t wear this or that.” we are all different! what I like most of you will hate and most of the stuff people like, I am not interested in. I’m married now, but whatn I was dating, I tried hard to find out what my boyfriends hobbies were and go along with it sometimes to please him. dating is not all about the woman and what’s romantic for her. part of the romance for me somtimes is doing something my husband loves and seeing the smile of love and appriciatoin on his face. we’re gonna go to a hocky game. boooooring. but he loves hocky and really wants me to go to a game with him. he’ll be all lovy dovy after it’s over because I’ll go, not wine and moan, have a couple of beers and natchos and cheer for his team because he loves it and will love me for it.
so here is my don’t. don’t only think of what you want when going out on a date. don’t complain if he/she picks something you don’t like or really don’t want to do. since when did love become all about me? do smile and show appriciation that he did something for you, even if it was totally the wrong thing, at least he tried.
my husband works in a grocery store and today we had lunch together. he came to have lunch with me where I work and I got the lunches. candy bars are on sale for 25 cents a bar at his store and he surprised me with my favorite kind after we ate lunch. now, first of all, him comming to where I work to have lunch with me is super romantic (not the squishy candl light romantic, but it’s very sweet and I don’t know anyone else who works there that gets this treatment from their spouse) yeah, the candy was cheep, but i love it and he was thinking of me. and he looks so cute when he says, “I’ve got a surprise for you in my jacket”
he’s taking me out on monday to a somewhat fancy resteraunt here. he hates to dress up and he’s gonna wear my favorite tie becuase it turns me on when he wears it. He’ll even shave. I guess that’s the thing for me, the little things. going that small extra step to make something nice. that’s super romantic to me. don’t need anything spasific, just him, reaching out with some jesture of love great or small.