Husbands and Wives/ DO and DON'T for a romantic evening

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Husbands and Wives! What would you say is an important key for a romantic evening together? Please…keep the thread as clean as possible…there are many tips we can share without getting the thread shut down.

One big tip that comes to mind is…DO bring her out for a movie…or rent one for home but DON’T make the movie choice be one of those Clint Eastwood type…bang and shoot em’ up till they are dead flicks…DO choose a romantic movie.
don’t buy tickets to a sporting event unless you know for an absolute fact it is one in which she has a personal interest. A ball game and a hot dog does not spell romance for a lot of wives.

don’t try to double dip, using a work-related function as a “date” no matter how fancy the meal or the venue. If you engage in shop talk at any point it is not a romantic evening.

it is not necessary to spend a lot of money but creativity and showing you have given some thought to pleasing her is what counts, it is all in the details. renting a video of a movie you saw on your first date (as long as it abides by rules by poster above, no Terminator, Mad Max etc.).; going to a diner, ordering the cherry coke that was her favorite in college and playing “your song” on the, well do they still have juke boxes? Anything that shows you have been paying attention.
I’m not married but I’d have to disagree. Whoever marries me will be lucky. While I hate cowboy/action flicks, I hate sappy romantic movies even more…so they won’t have to sit through chick flicks!
don’t buy tickets to a sporting event unless you know for an absolute fact it is one in which she has a personal interest. A ball game and a hot dog does not spell romance for a lot of wives.
Thank GOD, I married the only man on earth who HATES sports (except for watching our son play football).
Don’t go to a movie about baseball if she doesn’t know anything about baseball and has no interest in it. (My husband did this on our first date)

Check that everything is turned off before you leave the house for the very expensive French restaurant that took 3 months to get a reservation at. (I once left a rice pudding in the oven and remembered just as we arrived at the restaurant over an hours drive away. We turned around, drove home to find smoke puring out of the oven. Not exactly the most romantic evening!)

…One big tip that comes to mind is…DO bring her out for a movie…or rent one for home but DON’T make the movie choice be one of those Clint Eastwood type…bang and shoot em’ up till they are dead flicks…DO choose a romantic movie.
Do not choose a movie that will inflict brain aneurysms on the average man, like On Golden Pond or Yentl. Stick to movies with true to life characters in realistic relationships, like John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara in The Quiet Man.
Husbands and Wives! What would you say is an important key for a romantic evening together?
  1. Flowers
  2. Candles
  3. Kids at Grandma’s house. (I understand that hearing knock, knock “Daddy, what are you doing?” is bad for romance).
I’m not married but I’d have to disagree. Whoever marries me will be lucky. While I hate cowboy/action flicks, I hate sappy romantic movies even more…so they won’t have to sit through chick flicks!
Lol I’m a bit the same, whoever marries me would do better to take me to a sporting event or an action movie. I don’t hate romantic ones though, at least, not too much.
  1. Pass no gas out of any outlet in one’s body.
  2. Where a clean shirt
  3. Put on the cologne she loves
  4. Hold open the car door
  5. No talk of the job/boss that one can’t stand
(Simple things but they mean a lot! These are from a woman who’s been married a long time and where tactics in the wooing department are getting a little lax!)
Thank GOD, I married the only man on earth who HATES sports (except for watching our son play football).
When we got married, I knew more about most sports than dh did. I have 4 brothers, so it’s understandable.

Now, when my brothers invite dh to a sports event, he mainly goes for the male fellowship. He still doesn’t care that much about sports.

As for a date night . . . I would have loved it if dh had made the babysitting arrangements once in a while 🙂 That would have really pleased me. —KCT
Men, DON’T…assume your wife or girlfriend is as interested in the new Sci-Fi series as you are. Some may be, but most of us are not, and “Battlestar Galactica” is not our idea of a romantic evening.

DO…try something other than roses and chocolates (not that there’s anything wrong with either, it’s just nice to mix it up). Try cooking dinner, or surprising her with dinner at a restaurant that she’s mentioned.
I say, rather than make a bunch of suggestions, ask her/him what they really like. women usually will say it a hundred times, but men are harder to figure out. I don’t like it when people say, “don’t watch sci/fi…don’t go to a sporting game…don’t wear this or that.” we are all different! what I like most of you will hate and most of the stuff people like, I am not interested in. I’m married now, but whatn I was dating, I tried hard to find out what my boyfriends hobbies were and go along with it sometimes to please him. dating is not all about the woman and what’s romantic for her. part of the romance for me somtimes is doing something my husband loves and seeing the smile of love and appriciatoin on his face. we’re gonna go to a hocky game. boooooring. but he loves hocky and really wants me to go to a game with him. he’ll be all lovy dovy after it’s over because I’ll go, not wine and moan, have a couple of beers and natchos and cheer for his team because he loves it and will love me for it.
so here is my don’t. don’t only think of what you want when going out on a date. don’t complain if he/she picks something you don’t like or really don’t want to do. since when did love become all about me? do smile and show appriciation that he did something for you, even if it was totally the wrong thing, at least he tried.

my husband works in a grocery store and today we had lunch together. he came to have lunch with me where I work and I got the lunches. candy bars are on sale for 25 cents a bar at his store and he surprised me with my favorite kind after we ate lunch. now, first of all, him comming to where I work to have lunch with me is super romantic (not the squishy candl light romantic, but it’s very sweet and I don’t know anyone else who works there that gets this treatment from their spouse) yeah, the candy was cheep, but i love it and he was thinking of me. and he looks so cute when he says, “I’ve got a surprise for you in my jacket”

he’s taking me out on monday to a somewhat fancy resteraunt here. he hates to dress up and he’s gonna wear my favorite tie becuase it turns me on when he wears it. He’ll even shave. I guess that’s the thing for me, the little things. going that small extra step to make something nice. that’s super romantic to me. don’t need anything spasific, just him, reaching out with some jesture of love great or small.
A DO for HIM - When he takes the initiative and plans the evening. I really don’t care what we do just so long as the kids (4 all young ages 9 to 4) are not with us. Also, romatic doesn’t mean going out. He recently remembered that I liked a pair of particular “panties” (that he admired as well) and one day he came home with a bag full!! I was so impressed and surprised by that gesture. So, “listening” is romantic.

A DO for ME - During the end of the baseball playoffs season last year we went to the FOX Sports resturant to watch all the games (his favorite was playing of course) on all the big screens. We had a blast! My suggestion, too. Not only was he impressed but when he shared with his guys friends they were equally impressed (not that it matters) Of course, my girlfriends weren’t but thats OK. 😉 So, doing something he will enjoy is equally romatic.

Face it girls. It is usually our men who are trying so hard to be “romanic”.

A DON"T from both - Never assume or expect toooo much. Whoever is planning it should keep the other in mind. A onesided evening out isn’t very romantic.

A DO for both - Go out and enjoy eachother often. You don’t have to spend money. Just spend time together.

God Bless to all!
so here is my don’t. don’t only think of what you want when going out on a date. don’t complain if he/she picks something you don’t like or really don’t want to do. since when did love become all about me? do smile and show appriciation that he did something for you, even if it was totally the wrong thing, at least he tried.
**Sounds like somebody read “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” by Dr.Laura:D **

I loved your story about your DH having lunch with you and bringing you a surprise candy bar. Sounds a lot like my hubby. Those small acts of everyday romantic thoughtfulness really do make a marriage work!

actually, I didn’t read that book 🙂 but I do listen to Dr. Ray all the time 😃 so I guess he’s where I got that from.
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