Hypnosis And Catholicism

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It directly affects our rational state. I would argue that it is spiritually dangerous.
I believe it’s a don’t do it, but I’d have to go look it up, I’m fairly sure I did once and it’s in the catechism somewhere as a no… either entertainment or any other use. Common sense says don’t give others this power over you. I’d say it opens you up to diabolical powers and would not let anyone do it to me. But some quick research seems to suggest you can for medical reasons… I wouldn’t though. I don’t trust any doctor that much…

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Hi, for either therapy or for lawful use against criminal subjects to determine whether or not a crime was committed. As far as I know, the CIA engage in it.
I’ve read it, it seems to send conflicting signals. On the one hand they say it’s ok by the Church as long as abuse is not taking place and then follows up with the idea it’s New age. I’m glad I’ve asked this question today and some of the responses have been interesting.
There is nothing inherently sinful about hypnosis. It of course could be abused to do sinful things, so care should be taken as with anything.
Sounds morally ok. Although the effectiveness can be debated.
I would say (just my opinion) a reason not to have hypnosis is that just like getting drunk, getting high on drugs you are giving up your free will and anything can happen when your free will has gone.
I wouldn’t do it. It’s a form of mind control. They say you can’t be made to do anything you don’t want to under hypnosis, but I don’t buy that.
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