I’m in desperate need of guidance

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Warning: this is a lengthy post, so proceed reading if you’d like. I’m in desperate need of guidance, thank you.

I’ve been thinking about the 5th and 9th commandment as well as mortal sins lately. I’m 19 years old. At the end of last year (which was not long ago in Dec.), I was taken advantage of which ended in me losing my virginity. I’ve felt shame ever since because I was intoxicated with alcohol (that I willingly drank). Please know I’ve never had the intention of losing my virginity. I’ve always wanted to save myself. I don’t know how but I barely remember the night. It was at a festival so I only remember a few moments that involved me dancing and a few flashes of the actual incident that occurred. I’ve been told by many people already that’s it’s not my fault, but I can’t help but feel guilt that I could’ve prevented this had I not drank. I would’ve been aware of my surroundings and not let a stranger take advantage of my state. At first, I thought I would be able to put this incident behind me and forget about it. And for a while, it worked. But I think about it every day, unintentionally. I keep getting sudden flashes of different moments of the incident. I feel disgust, shame, embarrassment, anger, so many feelings every single time. I lie awake at night, wanting to cry. I feel guilty because I’ve kept this from my parents. I lied to my mom when she discovered the medical bill (before I could intercept it), and I told her it was because I got food poisoning from a fast food restaurant that we stopped by on the way home. She believed me because she really trusts my word. I went with my older sister on that trip so naturally she knows. Only a few close friends of mine know what happened. I did file a police report because I was forced to when I went to the hospital but I chose to not pursue it or move forward with any charges to conceal the incident from my parents. I’ve always had a close relationship with my parents, always telling everything to mother who’s always been so understanding. But I’m scared, scared of their reaction. I’m scared of everything changing. How they view me. I have a strong feeling they’ll feel resentment towards my older sister for “letting” it happen. I’ve talked to my parents before about incidents, of a similar situation to mine, that have happened to other girls. Their responses weren’t assuring or supportive to me, further reinforcing my fear to tell them. But I really want to tell them. It’s always been my intention to but I’ve never known if I have to the courage to do so. I feel guilty everyday for lying to my mother (and father of course). The fact she believed me when I told her it was just food poisoning makes me feel worse. I always tell her everything, and this one time I couldn’t. I know I need to tell her, but I’m scared. This has led me to ponder over the 5th and 9th commandments. Is what I’ve done a mortal sin? I just need to know what I should do. I know I have trauma, I feel it worse by the day especially at night where the only thing that occupies my mind is that.
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I would tell your parents that you lied, especially since you are feeling guilty.

As far as what happened that night, pray for healing, God will always be with you.

Also, make a good confession when you are able.

God bless, you will be fine, it just takes time.
You really need to tell your mom. You have bad feelings about what happened to you, and about lying to your parents multiple times. Yes, it is going to be a difficult conversation. But you will probably feel better afterward. You should go to confession first to confess your lying. Then tell your mom you lied to her and why you lied.Then tell her what happened.

Your mom needs to know this, especially because it is affecting you as it is. I am sorry this happened to you. Don’t make it worse by keeping it from your mom.
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You poor, poor thing. I am so very sorry that you were taken advantage of.

Perhaps it would help you to talk things over with a counselor, someone who is trained in helping people heal from trauma. Online services are offered, and a counselor will be able to help you with talking to your parents, if that’s what you want to do. They will also be able to help you with your feelings.

Please be kind to yourself ❤️ don’t blame yourself for what happened, it wasn’t your fault.
Talk to your parents about what happened. They love you. It won’t be as bad as you think.

It may be hard, but talk to your parents.
Trust in God, and repent for your sins. And prepare your confession when it becomes available.
We humans make mistakes, we commit sins, both mortal and venial, but we should always repent and turn from our wicked ways and turn to God.
Trust in God, love Him and others, and ask for God to help you lead a better life.
Peace! God be with you!
Daily habits during this COVID-19 crisis can include one or more of these:
  • Read the Daily Mass Readings
  • Do the Liturgy of the Hours
  • Daily Rosary
  • Divine Mercy Chaplet
  • St. Michael Chaplet
  • Spiritual reading
  • Daily mass via web streaming or video
  • Spiritual communion - Link: Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer | EWTN
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Other forms of prayer
Because you were drunk, you were not in a position of making an informed consent to sex…that means it was rape. You were raped. In order to stop blaming yourself, you need some counseling. Begin by confession and telling your mother…you will most likely be surprised by how understanding she will be.

Together with your mother and your priest, you can overcome the shame and guilt and between being honest with what happened and counseling, can forgive yourself and find much needed peace. You can do this and you NEED to do this. Much love being sent your way ❤️❤️❤️
As you seem to desire to tell your mom about this, then I think you should follow your heart and do so. When you are able to, go to confession and tell the priest exactly what you´ve told us here. He will be understanding and he will pour God´s mercy over you.

Don´t blame yourself for this. We are to avoid getting ourselves drunk for the reason that it may lead you to do things you wouldn´t consent to otherwise. So that´s a sin, however, not a mortal one in your case because you weren´t aware of it at the time.

I do feel sorry for you and that you were taken advantage of. Perhaps this is something you could benefit from bringing up with a counsilor. I´m sure there are plenty good Catholic counsilors online that you could make use of. Or perhaps, you could call your priest or make an appointment with him. Priests can help us both sacramentally and also counsil us outside of the sacraments. And they like being able to help us and that we invite them into our struggles. So don´t hesitate to contact Father with this.
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