We should be thankful to God every day for our many blessings. That said, seems to me that the USA “Thanksgiving “ has become a hollow holiday, and I wish the Church would establish a separate observance where the true spirit of Thanksgiving would be promoted.
As it is now, “Thanksgiving “ begins with a worship of Mammon and materialism in the form of the Macy’s parade. Things then move along to major worship of the real “god” of this country- sports - in all the football games. Somewhere along the line a meal takes place whose major functions are a celebration of gluttony, and the acquisition of calories to fuel the next day’s Liturgy of Materialism celebrated in the Temples (malls) all around the country. “Thanksgiving “ today isn’t the Norman Rockwell version, and I’m saddened and turned-off by it all.
And on top of all that, the “holiday” was first declared by a president (Lincoln) with no identifiable Christian beliefs, holding-up for honor the “Pilgrims “ who were rabidly anti-Catholic, living in a place (what became Massachusetts) that discriminated against Catholics well into the 20th century, and which outlawed Christmas until some time in the 1800’s. It’s just all too sad, what it has all become. I’ve begun to understand why some groups, like the SDA’s, don’t observe holidays.
As it is now, “Thanksgiving “ begins with a worship of Mammon and materialism in the form of the Macy’s parade. Things then move along to major worship of the real “god” of this country- sports - in all the football games. Somewhere along the line a meal takes place whose major functions are a celebration of gluttony, and the acquisition of calories to fuel the next day’s Liturgy of Materialism celebrated in the Temples (malls) all around the country. “Thanksgiving “ today isn’t the Norman Rockwell version, and I’m saddened and turned-off by it all.
And on top of all that, the “holiday” was first declared by a president (Lincoln) with no identifiable Christian beliefs, holding-up for honor the “Pilgrims “ who were rabidly anti-Catholic, living in a place (what became Massachusetts) that discriminated against Catholics well into the 20th century, and which outlawed Christmas until some time in the 1800’s. It’s just all too sad, what it has all become. I’ve begun to understand why some groups, like the SDA’s, don’t observe holidays.