I accidentally got involved with astrology, mortal sin?

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Disclaimer: Not sure if I chose the right category, but here goes nothing:

So last night I spoke with a long time friend which I haven’t seen for some years. When we parted ways some years back she was a devout Christian (Not catholic, but in the Norwegian Church aka Lutheranism). Now however she is heavy into astrology, tarot cards, and Wicca - which kinda freaks me out, to be honest. Long story short, she asked for my birthdate and year along with what time of the day I was born. I found it kinda weird, but I gave her the information she requested - which she used to read my astrology map. I was not aware of what she was meddling with, and it was not my intention to get involved what so ever.

Is this still considered a mortal sin? Even though I did not intentionally participate, or even know that astrology was such an evil? Should I confess or just forget about it?

God bless.
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If I’m reading you right, that would be a sin for her, not for you, you weren’t the one doing astrology
My first intention was to pray for her, as I genuinely feel pity for her, and the way her life has gone. I am going to mass this afternoon (churches are finally open after two months due to the pandemic) so I’ll guess I’ll ask my priest for advice!
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That’s not a bad idea. By the way, churches are opened here, too, as of today, with very strict social distancing in place. I don’t think it’s ever wrong to pray for someone, even if they ask you not to, do it anyway.
Seems like you has absolutely nothing to do with the actual astrology part. That’s on her.
You can’t accidentally commit a mortal sin. Mortal sin must be a deliberate act of the will.
That’s what I thought! I am fairly new Catholic, so I wasn’t 100% sure.
When ever wrestling with the question of mortal sin’ consider the Church teaching on what constitutes mortal sin: it requires all three things; Grave Matter, Full Knowledge, and Willful Consent.

Using your scenario:

Grave Matter: Yes
Full Knowledge: No
Willful Consent: No

No mortal sin.
Regardless of your culpability in sin, you can apply some common sense and safety to the situation. You knew she was into that stuff and yet you willingly gave personal info to her without asking what it was being used for? As a general rule with longtime friends or strangers, be careful about how they may use private information about you. You hopefully wouldn’t give her financial information without questioning why she needed it. Also, you should speak to her politely and tell her you aren’t comfortable with her including you in spiritual practices without your consent. Her reaction will tell you if you should continue the friendship.
Thank you. I gave her a call after church and told her how I felt about it, she apologized and said that she should have known better (as should I). Nevertheless, I spoke to mye priest about it and he said almost the exact thing as you. I know better now, and my naive self have learned to not trust even good friends blindly.
You cannot accidentally mortally sin since it requires full knowledge and consent. I think the best course of action here is to pray for this person and perhaps say a Divine Mercy chaplet for her.
What people say here is true. You must consent to something for it to be a mortal sin.
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